You’ve already had dinner, and you’re fully aware that after-hours eating is probably not a smart choice. Yet you feel urged, even obliged, to say to your friend at 10pm-ish, “Let’s go get something to eat!”
In China, summer is the season of late-night snacks, or yexiao, with all kinds of barbecue – seafood, chicken wings and stinky tofu – and spicy *crayfish dominating the menu.
It’s not fine dining – most of the food is high in fat, and some of the restaurants have dubious hygiene, but that doesn’t stop customers from chowing down.
“When it’s late, you don’t want to think. You just want to *gorge,” Roy Choi, a Los Angeles-based chef, told Cosmopolitan. Choi is a passionate defender of *indulging late-night *cravings. “You feel terrible, you would never do it in your right mind, but you did it. That’s what’s awesome.”
“到了大半夜,你就啥也不想考虑了,只想狼吞虎咽大吃一顿。” 洛杉矶厨师罗伊•崔接受《时尚•COSMOPOLITAN》杂志采访时表示。罗伊是个支持“享受夜生活”的激进派。“你觉得糟透了,因为如果你用正常的思维想想,就绝不会这样纵容自己。但这正是让你觉得最棒的地方。”
A social experience
Apart from *sating your appetite for food, late-night snacks in China are also about socializing and relaxing.
“Yexiao should be eaten outside rather than cooked at home,” Qian Maojia, a 31-year-old white-collar worker, told Shanghai Daily. “I feel so relaxed going outside late at night in the summer, in a casual T-shirt, shorts and slippers. It has become a habit of mine, and I believe many people around me in this city spend great summer nights this way.”
“夜宵一定要在外面吃,而不是在家里做。” 31岁的白领钱毛佳(音译)告诉《上海日报》,“我觉得夏天晚上穿着普通T恤、短裤、凉拖出去,简直太放松了。这已经成了我的一种习惯,而且我相信身边的很多人都用这种方式来消暑。”
This *impulse is shared by other places around the world. Night markets are popular in many Asian countries such as South Korea and Thailand. In Western countries, shopping malls close early, often before 6 pm, but restaurants and bars stay open until late to serve those who want to have some midnight *munchies or simply hang out with friends.
Take Spain as an example: People there don’t have yexiao, but they traditionally have a very late dinner, usually between 9 pm and midnight, which can be interpreted as a combination of dinner and yexiao. Instead of having a big *feast like Chinese people do, Spanish people like to have a lighter dinner. It often includes a small portion of fish, roast chicken or lamb, a salad and white rice.
But no matter where you’re from and what you eat, night-owl cravings are real. “You have a different appetite,” Roy said in his interview with Cosmopolitan. “It’s a more *animalistic, *instinctive appetite.”