How should you dress at 50?
The pursuit of individual and personal style becomes so much more important as you get older. When I look at my clothes at home, I don’t think my style has changed very much since my early 30s. That was when I settled on something. And if I could be 38 again, I don’t think I would dress any differently than I do now, at 50.
That said, some elements of the way I dress have been constant since I was a teenager, when I became obsessed with a Bruce Weber Vogue shoot based on Edward Weston and his women. I remember taking the magazine into Exeter to get my hair cut like the picture, then buying a fisherman’s jumper in a sailing shop. I bought a grey pencil skirt, dug out my school shoes and ankle socks, got my dad’s overcoat and got the look. I still dress like those pictures in a way.

There’s an abiding perception that the high street doesn’t serve older women very well, but in my view it’s better than it has ever been. The choice is huge – whether that’s Topshop, Uniqlo or Cos. It’s not one stop that gives you everything you want, more that everybody offers something very different.
The key is to be true to yourself and confident about what you like. It’s not necessarily about what’s in fashion, it’s what you love for you and your style. I have never been comfortable in structured clothes, for example, and I accept that. I’m lazy in a way. I can’t wear high heels because I can’t walk fast enough in them. I like to feel I can move around and get everything done. I’m also not somebody who scrutinises every detail or seam, looking at the construction. I like clothes that give you the effect of what you want.
关键就是要对自己真实,并对自己喜欢的东西充满信心。这并不一定关于流行什么,这是关于你自己喜欢什么以及你喜欢什么风格。比如,穿结构化衣服时我从未感觉到舒适, 我接受这一事实。在某种程度上来讲,我有点懒。我不能穿高跟鞋,因为穿上高跟鞋,我就不能走的很快。我喜欢可以任意移动并完成一切的感觉。我也不是那种会检查所有细节或缝隙,监测制衣过程的人。我喜欢那种能让你得到你想要的效果的衣服。