These Are the Ab Moves Maria Menounos Swears By
When it comes to molding your midsection, it takes more than standard crunches, says Maria Menounos' trainer, Harley Pasternak: "You have to hit those hard-to-tone muscles from every angle." Add these sculptors to your routine for a stronger, sleeker stomach. Pasternak recommends 3 sets of 20 reps twice a week.

Start on all fours with hands underneath shoulders (A). Try to maintain a neutral spine. Engage abs and simultaneously lift left arm and right leg up, bringing them in line with torso (B). Lower back to "A," then repeat move on opposite side.

Start in a forearm plank with palms facedown and feet hip-width apart (A). Your body should be as straight as possible. Pull belly in and lift hips so body forms an inverted V (B). Slowly lower hips to return to plank.

Sit with knees bent, palms together and arms extended straight out. Lean back slightly and lift feet off the floor. (A) Return to center and then twist slowly to the right (B). To make it harder, hold a 5- to 10-pound medicine ball.

Lie on left side with feet and hips stacked; prop yourself on left forearm (A). Lift hips so they're in line with rest of body and extend right arm straight up; hold for 30 to 60 seconds, keeping hips lifted (B). Lower hips and arms back to "A."