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如果老板任人唯亲 你该如何是好

来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Karl Moore remembers the moment he fell out of favour with his boss.

卡尔•摩尔(Karl Moore)还记得他失去老板宠信的那段日子。

He was working as a manager at IBM in Toronto when a new person joined his department. Up until then Moore had been part of his bosssfavoured inside circle” — but suddenly everything changed. The transferred employee became his bosss new right-hand person, the outcome of brutal office politics.


Good news for the team but I was soon put on the bench,” said Moore, now a professor at McGill Universitys Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal, Canada. It certainly wasnt a fun experienceand it definitely made his job harder, he said.


If your boss plays favouritesbut youre not one of themis there anything you can do about it? And should you even care if you're never flavour of the month? After all, nobody likes a sycophant.


Moore eventually made it back to being one of the favoured few. But it took some time waiting forthe new persons halo to diminish a bit”. More importantly, Moore was able to change the tide after he delivered on a couple of key agenda items for his boss that were central to his success. “After about a year, once again the sun shone upon me,” he said.


Falling out of favour for no good reason is a difficult turn to take. But, it doesnt have to be permanent. Heres what you can do.




Think about exactly what your boss needs to succeed and look good to his bosses. Find a way to help make it happen.


One of the things that makes virtually all bosses smile on us is if we help them deliver on one of the top items on their agenda for the year,” said Moore. “If you can better understand your bosss top three agenda items and help them achieve one of those, they will tend to nudge you toward the favourites category.”


Sometimes it can be as simple as asking about priorities and then helping to make sure that at least one of them comes to fruition, said Moore.


Boss as customer


For Andrew Wittman, a former marine, police officer, and federal agent, the solution is to change your perspective.

对于曾经当过海军陆战队士兵、警察和联邦探员的安德鲁•维特曼(Andrew Wittman)来说,解决办法是改变自己的视角。

No matter where you work or for whom, when you approach work from the perspective that says, ‘My boss is not my boss; he or she is my customer or client’, everything changes,” said Wittman, managing partner of South Carolina-based leadership consultancy Mental Toughness Training Center. “Youll instantly have all the power and control. You are merely leasing your services to the company. They are your client and you give them great customer service.”

“无论你为谁工作,如果你的工作视角变成‘老板不是老板,而是我的客户’,一切都会改变。”维特曼说,他目前在南卡罗来纳的领导力咨询公司Mental Toughness Training Center担任管理合伙人,“你会立刻拥有所有的能力和控制力。你不只是将自己的服务出租给公司。他们还是你的客户,你需要为他们提供一流的客户服务。”

Its important not to start feeling bad about yourselfor letting the idea of not being a favourite take over your thoughts, said Wittman. Otherwise, thats all you will think about and youll lose out on opportunities to get ahead.


If you focus on making your boss a satisfied customer and making she or he look great to the higher ups, which will lead to being afavourite’, your brain will sift through all the facts and data and confirm you are a favourite,” said Wittman. As a result, youll be less critical, be able to focus on solving problems more intently and act in ways that will naturally make the boss happy.


The inner circle


Just because your boss doesnt seem to like you doesnt automatically mean other people wont.


Try to get in good with the people who are the boss's favourites,” said New York-based Vicky Oliver, author of Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots. “Sometimes if a boss's pet raves about you, it can help ease the friction.”

“努力跟老板的亲信搞好关系,”《坏老板、疯同事和办公室里的其他傻瓜》(Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots)一书的作者维基•奥利佛(Vicky Oliver)说,“有的时候,如果老板的心腹喜欢你,也有助于减少摩擦。”

And always strive to be a good team player. “If the crowd likes you, it can help sway the boss's opinion,” she said.


A fine line


Dont go overboard fawning on your boss, thereby alienating yourself from your colleagues or making them resent you. For instance, if your boss tells a lame joke and you laugh louder than everyone else, that is just outright brown nosing, according to Oliver.


But if you come in with a solution to a problem that no one else has considered, that is simply shining on your own merit,” she said. And, spread the love when you do: “If you laud others on the team for helping you arrive at a solution, that is bound to score points with the boss and with your teammates.”


Keep your options open


Rare these days is a bossor subordinatewho sticks around for life. So, luckily you are unlikely to be wedded to this person for eternity.


You probably wont like working for someone who plays favourites, even if you become the flavour of the month. But dont let yourself fall into a workplace pit of despair over it. Instead, continue working hard and behaving professionally and show that you care about the team, company, and clients.


At the same time, you should be working your way into a different position where the boss is a better one and so you can focus more on being great at your job and growing toward your next promotion,” said Moore.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
permanent ['pə:mənənt]


adj. 永久的,持久的
n. 烫发

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

bench [bentʃ]


n. 长凳,工作台,法官席
vt. 坐(

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

sycophant ['sikəfənt]


n. 马屁精

laud [lɔ:d]


n. 颂歌,赞美 vt. 赞美

friction ['frikʃən]


n. 摩擦,摩擦力,分歧

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

outcome ['autkʌm]


n. 结果,后果

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻


关键字: 老板 任人唯亲




