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The animal world is generally a practical place. You have to be practical when you're just trying to survive, after all. When you're worried about where your next meal is coming from, whether or not your genes will survive in your young, and what's hiding around the corner waiting to eat you, there's usually not enough time for creativity. There are some animals, though, that scientists have found doing some pretty inexplicable stuffsome of it is downright weird.


10.Fur Seals Mating With Penguins



In 2006, researchers observing the native species of Marion Island in Antarctica saw something pretty bafflinga fur seal attempting to mate with a king penguin. They made note of it in their research, treating it as an independent incident. At the time, they suspected it was something rather accidental, maybe playtime gone horribly wrong, or mealtime gone horribly wrong.

But more recently, representatives of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, have seen it happening again. And again. And again. It's always brutal, and in at least one observed instance it ended with the seal killing and eating the penguin. Before 2006, fur seals and their closely related species had never been observed trying to mate with something outside of their own classification, so it seems as though they're learning the behavior. There has been considerable research done on the island for more than 30 years, and the sudden upstart of this behavior has scientists baffled. There are some suggestions of what's going on, but they're just guesses. The lack of females on the beach might be forcing young males to focus their attention elsewhere, but the typical reasons for cross-species mating don't seem to factor in. In some cases, cross-species sex can result in hybridized young, like mules, but that's definitely not the case here.

9.Collective Baboon Apathy



In 2013, a typically rambunctious colony of baboons at the Emmen Zoo in the Netherlands was struck by a bizarre case of mass hysteria. All their regular anticsplaying, fighting, greeting their treat-bearing keepersstopped, and they simply sat.

The odd event started with a massive burst of chaos. Then nothing. One group sat high up in a tree and refused to do anything, and the apathy spread throughout the whole colony. This wasn't the the first time that it's happened. In 1994, 1997, and 2007, similar occurrences of mass apathy happened in the same group of baboons. During the previous episode, they all sat motionless in their enclosure, looking off in the same direction. They didn't eat and they didn't socialize. They just sat. Nothing similar has happened in any other zoos, and it hasn't been linked to a unique quality or characteristic in the dominant member of the groupthe dominant member has changed between the episodes. Slowly, the baboons came out of their trance-like state. Younger baboons started acting up again, older baboons resumed their parenting duties, and gradually, they all got hungry and started looking for food again. There's been a wide range of theories about just what was going on with the baboons. It could be minor, undetected earthquakes, or a random fright that might have been as simple as someone wearing a scary T-shirt. These theories have been thrown around, but none have been proven as explanations for the baboons of the Emmen Zoo to sink into their occasional funk.

8.Changes In Blue Whale Songs



For decades, scientists have been recording the songs of the ocean's blue whales. But there's something strange going onnot with the song itself, but with the whales. Every year, their voices are getting deeper and deeper.

The pitch is changing by such a drastic amount that scientists making the recordings need to calibrate their equipment every year to ensure they can even pick up the songs. Recording devices switch on when they pick up a certain frequency, and that frequency is changing. It's happening worldwide, too. It's not just one certain group of whales, but rather whales all over the oceans that are demonstrating singing voices that are getting deeper. Scientists first noticed the changes in pitch in the 1960s, and the songs have sunk in pitch by about 30 percent since then. No one knows why it's happening. Some think that it was something to do with the need to overcome competing ocean noises that have increased over the last few decades, while others think it might be in response to a change in water temperature, composition, or climate. It might have something to do with a change in the density of whale population, or in the way that they're selecting mates. No one can say for sure.

7.Female Chickens Changing Sex



There are a few animal species that will change sexes, usually when there are no opposite-gender members of the species available. In that case, it makes sense for the survival of the group. But in the case of chicken sex changes, the process is a little different.

Female chickens can undergo natural sex changes, but only take on the mannerisms and appearance of a male birdthey're not actually functionally male, but only adopting their secondary sex characteristics. Scientists know how this happens, but not why.Chickens have two sex organs; in females, one develops into an ovary and one remains dormant. If something happensanything from a hormonal imbalance to the development of a cystit can make the second organ grow and release male hormones. What this means for the previously female chicken is that she'll suddenly stop laying eggs, she'll grow a wattle and a comb, and she'll act like a male. She'll start strutting and crowing, but she won't mate with other females because she's still genetically female.It is known to happen, though not frequently. In 2011, chicken owners in Cambridgeshire, England, saw it happening in their own backyard when one of their hens inexplicably stopped laying eggs and started practicing her crowing. Gertie became Bertie, and while he wasn't very good at it originally, he's become quite the vocal semi-rooster.
母鸡可以进行自然的性别转换,但也仅仅是变换成公鸡的习性和外观——不是在生理构造上变换成公鸡,而是在第二性特征上进行改变。科学家们知道这一转变的发生过程,并不知道其背后的原因。鸡有两个性器官;母鸡的两个性器官,其中一个长成卵巢,另外一个保持原样。如果有任何异常情况发生——从荷尔蒙分泌不均到囊肿的生成——这种情况会使另一个性器官发育并产生雄性激素。对于在转换性别之前的母鸡来说,转换性别成为公鸡就意味着它会停止下蛋,长出肉锤和鸡冠,并且生活习性也会和公鸡相仿。它会开始像公鸡那样昂首阔步并高声啼叫,但它并不会和其他的母鸡进行交配,因为从本质上来讲它还是母鸡的性特征。下面要说的事它曾经发生过,尽管发生次数很少。2011年,英国剑桥郡的养鸡场主发现,在他们自家后院里,他们养的其中一只母鸡很奇怪地不再生蛋,而是开始不断地练习啼叫。Gertie变成了Bertie, 虽然起初的练习效果不怎么样,但逐渐地已经变成能够像模像样啼叫的半个公鸡了。

6.Glow-In-The-Dark Scorpions



When scorpions are exposed to ultraviolet light or the strong light of the full moon, they glow. No one knows why they glow, but it's dangerous for the scorpion.

Scorpions hunt mostly at night, the same time when their predators are out looking for a meal, too. Owls and some nocturnal rodents hunt and eat scorpions, so it seems pretty illogical that glowing in the dark would be the best choice for nighttime survival. Part of the answer might lie in scorpion eyes, which are best suited to seeing blue-green light. It's possible that their ability to glow in the dark evolved as a way to see each other. It's also been suggested that they're acting in the same way as some deep sea creatures, luring prey toward them with their bioluminescence. A California State University researcher has put forth the idea that scorpions rely on their glowing to indicate when they're out in the open and vulnerable. When the glowing stops, it's suggested, they know they're in the shadow of something that's hiding them from moonlight and safe. The strength of their glow is indicative of whether or not others can see them.

翻译:齐墨; 校对:candy 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

collective [kə'lektiv]


adj. 集体的,共同的
n. 集体

factor ['fæktə]


n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

genetically [dʒe'netikəli]


adv. 遗传(基因)方面

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

indicate ['indikeit]


v. 显示,象征,指示
v. 指明,表明





