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5.Dating Has Become Too Casual

Just as the accelerated intensity of a relationship that can be spurred by infatuation, languidly trudging though the dating pool with only casual intentions can also have adverse effects. Moreover, the lines between "hanging out", "dating", and "exclusivity" have become so blurred, they're more like globs of confusion than lines at all. Yes, that metaphor may have made little-to-no sense, but I stand by it. Denise Hewitt, a Manhattan-based television producer knows what I'm talking about.


"The new date is 'hanging out'" Hewitt told The New York Times. She recalled a guy friend validating her sentiment by saying: "I don't like to take girls out. I like to have them join in on what I'm doinggoing to an event, a concert." Indeed "hanging out" has now become synonymous with actual dating. With all pre-dating conversation going exclusively to the nonchalance of text, apps, and dating websites, it's hard to decipher whether a relationship is even romantic or not. Whereas several decades ago finding someone to marry sought after with urgency (a staple of a different time that wasn't necessarily a positive one), we have now gone to the completely opposite end of the spectrum, where too many options may keep us from finding someone to share our lives with.


4.Potential Companions Know Too Much About Your Past Before Meeting You In The Present



A staple of healthy relationships is taking time to get to know each other and establishing a foundation of trust before revealing your past secrets and vulnerabilities. In the age of social media and ever-evolving technology, a potential date or suitor can glean a roster of information on you before you've even met face to face. Where people used to be able to discard polaroids of less-than-flattering situations, and regretful anecdotes about past relationships were only exposed during ventilations between friends as opposed to status updates, every thought, embarrassing moment, and personal anecdote can now be garnered faster than one can say "Google". As Complex puts it, "Because one of your supposed friends tagged an incriminating picture of you on Facebook and now you have to explain to your precious princess girlfriend why her seemingly straight-laced knight in shining armor was acting out a scene from a Girls Gone Wild DVD. Good luck with that, and, in the future, make sure you set your Facebook tags so you can approve them first."

一段健康正常关系的重点就在于花时间去了解对方,并以此建立信任基础,然后再慢慢透露自己过去的秘密和弱点。然而在社交媒体和技术不断发展的今天,那些潜在的约会或求婚对象在你们约会前就可以全面地收集到你所有信息。在过去,人们想删掉的不好看的旧照,一些追悔莫及的往事都只能向好友倾诉,而非在网上分享。可现在,要想知道你的每一份想法,每一次尴尬,每一件轶事比"谷歌"一下还快。就像Complex网站说的,你所谓的网友搜到你脸书上的私人照片,然后你就不得不去向你的宝贝女友解释为什么她穿着闪亮亮的盔甲看上去像是从 Girls Gone Wild 视频里走出来的一板一眼的骑士。祝你好运,请记住,将来在设置你的脸书标签时,一定要确保有一天被追问时能解释得了。
Furthermore, any mystery that used to exist at the start of a new relationship has now been dismantled by social media and technology. According to Elite Daily, "You are literally stripping the discovery process out of dating. One of the best parts of a relationship is getting to know the other person. These different social media platforms take all of that novelty away."

3.Sentimentalities Like Candid Photos And Handwritten Messages Are No More



"There's a shoebox in my closet where I keep every love letter, scribbled note, or snapshot from dudes of yore, and ever since I signed my first cell phone contract, my contributions to my shoebox have dwindled. Coincidence? I think not." This anecdote came from Thought Catalog's Anna Goldfarb, who went on to note other sentimentalities that have long lost their noveltyand become pretty much nonexistentin today's tech-driven dating culture. Gone are the days when a ticket stub from the first movie you saw with your S.O. Instead, we "check in" on Facebook about which theater we are at, which movie we are seeing, and who we are with. This saturation of interconnectedness completely nixes the privacy of a first datealong with any subsequent dates. Candid photos no longer are found in a prized shoebox, but rather on a slew of social media websites and apps where they are put through a variety of filters and mock airbrushing for all the world to see. As for handwritten messages, has anyone picked up a pencil lately for anything? Even grocery lists can be converted to text or a "notes" function on smartphones. Rather than passing a handwritten note in glass that has been conspicuously folded into what may or may not be an origami heart, teenagers are tweeting their inner monologues for all the world to see.


2.Intimate Moments Have Lost Their Intimacy



"If it's not Facebook official, it doesn't count," has become a popular mantra of the 21st century's dating generation. The only two people that truly know the depth and intimacy involved in a romantic relationship arewellthe two people involved. Social media has dismantled a fourth wall that used to exist in dating. Sure, facets of your relationship would be revealed during outings with friends and family, but there are other private moments that are arguably better left out of the public eye. Back before the advent social media and internet becoming a household commodity, people that you knew from middle school wouldn't have an all-access pass to your relationship status and intimate date nights. Today, failing to list your exclusivityor lack thereofon your Facebook profile is met with slackened jaws and knitted brows of concern. "Is he your boyfriend?" "Why aren't you two Facebook official yet?" "What do you mean he's 'not into social media'? Clearly, he must be cheating on you."

People are basically encouraged to disclose every date night, every relationship update, and a litany of other things on social media. Not only does this lift the curtain on what was historically supposed to be a private relationship, it diminishes the significance by turning romance into a public broadcast. As Complex puts it, "You can engage in sappy, disgusting public demonstrations of affection on your Facebook pageYou can tweet at work, Skype on your lunch break, and Vine yourself doing laundry. This totally diminishes the importance of the relationship. Unless being emotionally and psychologically detached from the physical importance of being around other human beings is your thing…"

1.Expecting The Unexpected Is Archaic



Because of social media and technology, the beauty of happenstance has become archaic. Hearing stories about how two people met serendipitously has kind of become like a shooting staryou're lucky if you see it once, if at all. I remember the mantra about love "happening when you least expect it" growing up, but those words have seemingly long been forgotten by today's dating culture. Being that so many people meet online, through apps, or are at least holding several dating site accounts means that everyone is looking for that person (or several people). This now commonplace behavior upends the pleasant surprise people used to experience when happening upon a compatible mate in the most random of circumstances. Moreover, there are still plenty of opportunities throughout everyday life that could lead to a moment of romantic happenstance, but the prevalence of dating apps and websites could actually prevent us from becoming privy to these real-life encounters.

Matchmaker and founder of the Paul C. Brunson Agency, Paul Brunson, expounded upon this when speaking with ABC about an "elitist" dating app called The League, where users are curated by things like social economic status, physical appeal, and more. He criticized this and other apps by telling ABC, "We'll be so focused on our phones and our online matches, that we won't ever look up and see someone who may be potentially perfect for us." Indeed, modern dating culture has become so unremittingly connected to technological advances but completely disconnected when it comes to real-life connections.

审校:彼得潘 编辑:listen 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

adverse ['ædvə:s]


adj. 不利的

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

metaphor ['metəfə]


n. 隐喻,暗喻

function ['fʌŋkʃən]


n. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会
vi. 运行

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

discard ['diskɑ:d,dis'kɑ:d]


n. 丢牌,废牌
vt. 丢弃,抛弃

exclusively [iks'klu:sivli]


adv. 排他地(独占地,专门地,仅仅,只)





