China was the most promising consumer market in Asia in 2015, and will probably remain so in the next four years, according to a Bloomberg report released Thursday.
"Even as China's economy slows and its population ages, it appears set to remain the most attractive Asian market for retailers in the years ahead," said Bloomberg economists in "Insight: Asia retail forecasts show China market to stay No. 1."
"Asian consumers have shifted from bit-part players in the drama of global demand to a leading role," the report said.
In ranking of the most promising consumer markets in 2015 by Bloomberg Intelligence Economics, China, Japan and India came first, second and third. "For China and India, that reflects their massive young populations and large economies," the report said.
Following India were Australia, the Republic of Korea and Malaysia. Pakistan and Bangladesh ranked at the bottom of the list.
China's economy expanded 6.7 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2016, slowing further from the previous quarter but better than many had feared. And foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland continued to rise in the first four months of this year. FDI, which excludes investment in the financial sector, rose 4.8 percent year on year to 286.78 billion yuan (45.3 billion U.S. dollars) in the January-April period.
中国经济在2016年第一季度增长了6.7%,相比上一季度要进一步放缓,但比许多人担心的情况要好一些。而在中国大陆的外商直接投资继续在今年的前四个月有所上涨. 外商直接投资,其中不包括在金融领域的投资,在1至4月份上涨了4.8%,达到了2867.8亿元(折合453亿美元)。