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中英双语话中国影视演艺圈 第12期:严姗姗

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Yan Shanshan (1896 ~1952)

严姗姗(1896 ~ 1952)
Yan Shanshan, birth name Yan Shuji, was born in Nanhai County, Guangdong Province in 1896. She was China's first film actress and Yan Shansahn was her stage name used to Zhuang Zi Tests His Wife (1913).
严姗姗,原名严淑姬,1896年生于广东南海县。中国电影第一位女演员, 严姗姗是她为演《庄子试妻》(1913)使用的艺名。
Yan Shanshan graduated from Hongkong Yide Normal School and was a member of the female bomb squadron during the Republican Revolution in 1911. When Chinese films were just beginningas in plays influenced by traditional doc-trine, there was a rule against female performers sharing the stage with male performers, so female roles were played by male actors. The first Chinese filmThe Battle of Mount Dingjun, could not break through the cultural custom. Even in the film with the theme of marriage relationship in 1913, all actors and actresses were acted by the male. However, China's first film actress, Yan Shanshan, appeared on screen in 1914 as China's first film actress.
她毕业于香港懿德师范学校,辛亥革命时参加过广东北伐军女子炸弹队。受 传统礼教的影响,中国戏曲舞台上一向遵循着男扮女装的规则。1905年问世的中 国首部电影《定军山》自然也难以突破这一文化习俗。甚至在1913年《难夫难妻》 这部以婚姻关系为主题的影片中,所有的男女演员仍都是由男演员扮演的。1914 年,严姗姗作为中国第一任电影女演员出现在银幕上。


In 1913, Yan Shuji founded the Hong Kong Meihua Film Company with her husband Li Minwei, she played the role of the servant girl in Zhuang Zi Tests His Wife, became the first Chinese actress in Hongkong and Chinese film history. After that, Yan joined Shanghai Xinmin Film Company and starred in The God of Peace (1926) , Five Revengeful Girls (1928) , and Reviving Romance (1928) , which were all produced by Shanghai Minxin Film Company. She stopped acting in 1928 and passed away in 1952 at her age of 56.

1913年,严姗姗与丈夫黎民伟共同创办香港美华影片公司,并在该公司摄制 的短片《庄子试妻》中饰演使女,成为香港及中国电影史上第一位女演员。此后,严 姗姗加入上海新民影片公司,主演了《和平之神》、《五女复仇》、《再世姻缘》等影 片,1928年退出影坛,1952年去世,享年56岁。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出





