In other words, it was about sex and science, starting off with 'How the Chicken got inside the Egg', rambling through 'Some Other Sorts of Eggs' until arriving at 'What Little Boys and Girls are Made Of'. Brewster quoted 'the old nursery rhyme' and said that: It has this much truth in it, that little boys and little girls are far from being alike, and it isn't worth while trying to make either one over into the other.
The precise nature of this difference was not revealed, and only after a skilful diversion on to the subject of the eggs of starfish and sea-urchins did Brewster eventually arrive back at the human body:
So we are not built like a cement or a wooden house, but like a brick one. We are made of little living bricks. When we grow it is because these living bricks divide into half bricks, and then grow into whole ones again. But how they find out when and where to grow fast, and when and where to grow slowly, and when and where not to grow at all, is precisely what nobody has yet made the smallest beginning at finding out.
The process of biological growth was the principal scientific theme of E.T. Brewster's book. Yet science had no explanations, only descriptions. In fact on 1 October 1911, when Alan Turing's 'living bricks' were first dividing and redividing, Professor D'Arcy Thompson was telling the British Association that 'the ultimate problems of biology are as inscrutable as of old.'