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5.Keep It Cool Outside of the Office

As the manager, you are the representative for your business and your staff. That means you need to maintain your dignity even when you're not on the clock. Whether it's a business trip or the office holiday party, keep your behavior professional. Speaking of holiday parties, don't get crazy even if alcohol's involved. In fact, don't get crazy especially if alcohol's involved.


When travelling for business, remind yourself you're not on vacation. Bump your attire up a notch and dress formally. It's not the time to break out the sweatpants or speedos. Don't drink too much on business trips either, particularly if junior staff is present. You want to set an example. When you're on international business trips, check up on etiquette for the region and brief your staff. They need their manners intact, too. Social media is another after-hours activity where you need to maintain control. Make it a practice not to friend your employees and keep your accounts set to private. Even if you're not on social media, what you do outside of the office can often end up there. You may never live it down and might even lose your job.


4.Pick Up the Check



If you remember my opening story, you'll know this one's personal for me. My boss who slipped away when the bill showed up? Well, the rest of us had to sit there figuring out how to split the tab about eight different ways and include his portion of the bill, too. It was uncomfortable and unfair, and it often degenerated into an argument.

Your staff shouldn't have to pick up your tab. In this situation, you're actually there to take care of them. If there's a group outing, a lunch meeting, or an office party, the boss or the company pays the bill. Not only is this standard etiquette, but rarely do employees make as much as the boss, so give us a break! Think of picking up the check as another opportunity to show your leadership. Don't leave your staff in the awkward position of having to discuss personal finances after a lunch meant to discuss teamwork. If for some reason you or the company is not paying for the outing, make that clear before the group leaves the office — and make attendance optional, to be fair. But even better, have a fund set aside for these occasions. Or go with potluck.

3.No Snoopervising



What's snoopervising, you ask? Ever had a boss physically watch over your shoulder as you work? What about one who expressed concern over the number of bathroom breaks you were taking? Or about the two minutes you left early from work today when you stayed an extra 30 yesterday? That's not a boss. You've got yourself a snoopervisor.

Merging the words "snoop" and "supervise", this noun describes excessive monitoring of employee activity, which sometimes spills over into breach of privacy. Laura Gibson, an office manager, had a boss who routinely checked her employees' instant messages and browser history, with or without cause. It made her employees hesitate to use either resource, even if it was strictly for work. If you've done your job and given your employees clear expectations, let them work without the threat of constant tracking. Micromanaging makes employees uncomfortable and distracts from the job itself. More importantly, it reflects a lack of trust. If you really feel the need to supervise so closely, you should question where the mistrust originates – you or your employees? If you find it's coming from you, back off!

2.Don't Criticize Publicly



Have you ever been put down in front of other people? It feels pretty horrendous. Being berated by your boss in front of others feels just like being bullied as a kid. We teach our children not to do it, so let's not practice it ourselves. Negative reinforcement, though often depicted in popular culture as the tool of choice for coaches, bosses and other leaders, is not the most effective motivator. It can break your spirit and is proven to diminish productivity.

If you have an employee with performance issues, schedule a private meeting and give some constructive feedback. Don't do it in a public place or an office with glass walls. It's never OK to make a show of publicly scolding an employee. Talking negatively in the open about other employees, supervisors or your company is not all right either. The old adage that what goes around comes around exists for a reason. It's pretty common to get smack talked about you when you talk smack about others. And just as your friendliness can affect the entire staff (see Rule 9), your negativity can reverberate through the office and create a poorly performing team.

1.Praise Publicly



When you do have something nice to say, say it out loud! This was the No. 1 request from those surveyed for this article. It seems we are always in search of approval from our bosses, not just as reflection of a job well done, but because we're human and that's part of how we've learned to thrive within a community, even if that community is our 9-to-5 office.

Dole out those compliments readily whether it's for their crisp handwriting, the improved schedule that took them a couple of hours or that sale that took them several months to close. The specificity is why employees value this more than a generic message like "Great job, team." Don't be afraid to give compliments even for something not work-related, like a new haircut (always be careful about crossing that line with harassment though!) When you give your employees credit for their work, the acknowledgement encourages them to continue working at that level and higher. Positive reinforcement isa proven motivator. Think back to how good it felt to work for someone who believed in you and who told you they did. Being engaged in your employees' work and in your employees themselves is not just good etiquette; it's what separates the good bosses from the bad and the ugly.

审校:哎呀 编辑:凯珊 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

intact [in'tækt]


adj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

criticize ['kritisaiz]


vt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难
vi. 批评

dignity ['digniti]


n. 尊严,高贵,端庄





