Shen Nong, sometimes known as the Yan Emperor or the Emperor of the five grains, is a legendary Emperor of China and culture hero of Chinese mythology who is believed to have lived some 5 000 years ago and who taught ancient Chinese the practices of agriculture.
Appropriately, his name means "the Divine Farmer". Considered to be the father of Chinese agriculture, this legendary emperor taught his people how to cultivate grains as food, so as to avoid killing animals.
He is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medicinal value, and is assumed to be the author of Shen-nung pen ts'ao ching (Divine Husbandman's Materia Medica), the earliest extant Chinese pharmacopoeia.
This text includes 365 medicines derived from minerals, plants, and animals.
The true authorship of this work is also unknown.
He is credited with identifying hundreds of medicinal (and poisonous) herbs by personally testing their properties, which was crucial towards the development of Traditional Chinese medicine.
Tea, which acts as an antidote after being poisoned by some seventy herbs, is also said to be his discovery.
Chinese legend places this occurrence in 2737 B. C., and states that the leaves from burning tea twigs blew upwards from the fire and landed in his cauldron of boiling water.
Shen Nong is venerated as the Father of Chinese medicine.
He is believed to have introduced the technique of acupuncture.