Perhaps the best evidence comes from twotroubled women who approached Gallup soon after he first published his results.Both were looking for relief from pathological yawning attacks, sometimeslasting an hour at a time. “It was extremely debilitating and interferes withany basic activity,” says Gallup. “They’d have to walk away and go to a secludedarea – it affected their personal and professional lives.” Intriguingly, one ofthe women found the only way to stop the yawning attack was to throw herself intocold water. Inspired, Gallup asked them to place a thermometer in their mouthsbefore and after the attacks. Sure enough, he saw a slight rise in temperaturejust before the yawning bouts, which continued until it dropped back to 37C.
Importantly, this brain chill mightunderlie the many, seemingly contradictory, events that lead to yawning. Ourbody temperature naturally rises before and after sleep, for instance. Coolingthe brain slightly might also make us more alert – waking us up when we arebored and distracted. And by spreading from person to person, contagious yawnscould therefore help a whole group to focus.
Gallup’s unified theory has been somewhatcontentious among yawning researchers. “Gallup’s group has failed to presentany convincing experimental evidence to support his theory,” says Hess. Inparticular, his critics point out he hasn’t made direct measurements oftemperature changes in the human brain, though Gallup says he has found theexpected fluctuations in yawning rats. Provine is more positive, however –believingthat it could be one way in which yawning helps the brain change state, andfocus.
Even if Gallup has managed to find thatunified theory, many mysteries remain. Why do foetuses yawn in the womb, forinstance?
It could just be that they are practicingfor life outside, or perhaps the yawn plays a more active role in guiding thebody’s growth – by helping to develop articulation in the jaws joints, forinstance, or by encouraging the growth of the lungs, says Provine. If so,Provine suggests that yawning’s functions in the womb may be more important than our attacks asadults.
Provine also points out that yawning – andperhaps other bodily functions, like sneezing – shares some strange parallelswith sex. The facial expressions involved are surprisingly similar, he says –just take a look at this picture and you can see where he’s comingfrom.
Like sex, yawns and sneezes involve abuild-up that ends in a pleasant climax. “Once initiated, they go to completion– you don’t want a yawnus interruptus,” is how Provine puts it. For thesereasons, he wonders if a shared neural machinery underlying these differentfeelings. “Mother Nature does not reinvent the wheel,”he says. Asevidence, he points to the fact that certain anti-depressants can lead somepatients to orgasm during a yawn –a rare side effect that could quickly lose its appeal.
Eventually, the temptation to yawn justproved too irresistible during my conversation with Provine. It was a warmsummer day, so perhaps my yawns were stopping my brain from over-heating duringour stimulating conversation. Whatever function it was serving, the relief wasalmost worth the agonising wait.
I’m willing to bet you’ve been stifling afew yawns yourself by this point – as Provine points out, reading or eventhinking about yawning can be enough to set us off. So go ahead, let it out –and do so in the knowledge that you are enjoying one of life’s most enduringmysteries.