A rare blue diamond which was almost stolen in the thwarted Millennium Dome jewels heist in 2000 has sold for a record 20million pounds.
The De Beers Millennium Jewel 4, a 10.10 carat vivid blue diamond, broke the record for the most expensive piece of jewellery to be sold at auction in Asia yesterday at Sotheby's in Hong Kong. It ended up being sold for HK$248.29 million (20 million pounds), which was at the lower end of estimates which had predicted it would fetch up to 31 million pounds.
这枚名为De Beers Millennium Jewel 4的鲜彩蓝钻重达10.10克拉,在香港苏富比上被拍卖,打破了亚洲最昂贵珠宝的拍卖记录。它以2亿4829万港币(2千万英镑)被出售,达到了预计销售价格的底线,预计的最高价格为3100万英镑。
Slightly larger than an almond, it is described by Sotheby's as the largest oval blue diamond ever to appear at auction and 'internally flawless'. It was sold to an anonymous phone bidder.

It was a very successful sale,' Sotheby's international jewellery division worldwide chairman David Bennett said. 'The fact that it's a record price for jewellery in Asia I think speaks well about the Asian market... I think it's alive and well and very healthy.'
The Millennium Dome raid was an attempted robbery of the Millennium Dome's diamond exhibition in Greenwich, South East London on November 7, 2000. A gang planned to ram-raid the De Beers diamond exhibition where the De Beers Millenium Jewel and others were being held at the time.
值得一提的是,2000年11月7日,在伦敦西南部格格林威治的千年穹顶钻石展览上曾发生了一起盗窃未遂案。一伙歹徒计划窃取展览上的De Beers Millenium Jewel钻石以及当时其他的展览珠宝。