Mark one up for man over the machine. The world champion of the ancient Chinese board game of Go has finally found a way to beat Google’s AlphaGo computer, after losing three straight games last week.
Lee Se-dol, the South Korean who has been the top Go player for a decade, was delighted at his first victory, although AlphaGo had already clinched the $1m prize in the best-of-five series. The money will be donated to charity after the final game is held on Tuesday.
10年来保持着世界排名第一的韩国棋手李世石(Lee Se-Dol)对自己的首场胜利感到高兴,尽管AlphaGo已经稳拿这轮五局对弈的100万美元奖金。在周二举行最后一局比赛后,这笔钱将捐献给慈善机构。
“It’s just one game. I’ve never been congratulated so much just because I won one game,” Mr Lee told reporters after the match on Sunday in Seoul.
“This win is invaluable and I would not trade it for anything else in the world,” the 33-year-old grandmaster said with a big smile. Mr Lee acknowledged he had underestimated AlphaGo’s skills, but said the software was not perfect.
Demis Hassabis, chief executive of Google Deepmind, the developer of the computer program, said the match result would provide a valuable lesson for his team to identify and address AlphaGo’s weakness.
开发AlphaGo的谷歌DeepMind的首席执行官杰米斯•哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)表示,这场比赛的结果将带来宝贵收获,让他的团队发现和解决AlphaGo的弱点。
“He was too good for us today and pressured AlphaGo into a mistake that it couldn’t recover from,” Mr Hassabis tweeted.