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纽约的这间人气餐厅 订不到座怎么办

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From $295.


The 175-room, 20-story Ludlow is one of the latest arrivals to downtown Manhattans well-established chic hotel scene, which includes the Mercer, Sixty SoHo and Crosby Street hotels. The hoteliers Ira Drukier, Richard Born and Sean MacPherson, who own several other boutique hotels in New York City together, such as the Jane and the Bowery, bought the abandoned red-brick building from a real-estate developer and spent two years fashioning it into luxury accommodations with a contemporary design. The Ludlow, opened in June 2014, includes the hard-to-book restaurant Dirty French, which is from the same team as Carbone and Parm. The property also has a lovely garden with six tables and brick walls partly covered in ivy, as well as heating, allowing it to remain open year-round.

曼哈顿市中心的时髦酒店一向享有盛誉,比如Mercer酒店、Sixty SoHo酒店和Crosby Street酒店。最新登场的是拥有175间客房的20层高的勒德洛酒店(Ludlow)。酒店老板艾拉·德吕基耶(Ira Drukier)、理查德·博恩(Richard Born)和肖恩·麦克弗森(Sean MacPherson)之前一起在纽约市开了几家精品酒店,比如Jane酒店和Bowery酒店。他们从一位地产开发商那里买下一座废弃的红砖建筑,花费两年时间把它打造成具有当代设计感的奢华酒店。勒德洛酒店2014年6月开业,设有Dirty French餐厅,餐饮团队来自Carbone餐厅和Parm餐厅,很难预订。这家酒店还有一个可爱的花园,设有6张桌子和部分被常春藤覆盖的砖墙,装有暖气,所以可以全年开放。

The Ludlow is in the heart of the Lower East Side, one of the citys most desirable areas for the hip and youthful set. New York institutions like Katzs Deli and Bowery Ballroom are within walking distance. And it is near hot-ticket restaurants and bars, bakeries and indie boutiques. Two subway lines, the F and the 6, are within a 10-minute walk.

勒德洛位于下东区中心地带,下东区是纽约的时尚和年轻人士最喜欢的地方。步行就可到达Katzs Deli熟食店和Bowery Ballroom舞厅等纽约著名场所。附近还有很多热门餐厅、酒吧、面包房和独立精品店。步行10分钟即可到达F线和6号线地铁站。

There are 10 room categories ranging from a Studio Full to the Penthouse Suite. Our 235-square-foot Studio Queen had a large window overlooking lively Essex Street, which was great for people-watching. Its stylish décor included a black and cream silk rug, with a series of varied patterns, adorning the dark wood floors; cream-painted wood beams; an oversize round brass chandelier, handmade in Marrakesh; and a charming, tiny round white-marble table with two purple velvet chairs and a dark wood bed with a comfortable queen mattress.

这家酒店提供10种客房类型,从开间Studio Full到顶楼套房Penthouse Suite不等。235平方英尺的豪华开间Studio Queen有个大窗户,能俯瞰热闹的埃塞克斯街(Essex Street),很适合看人来人往。这间房装饰雅致,包括乌木地板上的一块镶饰着一系列不同图案的黑色和奶油色丝制小地毯;奶油色木横梁;马拉喀什手工制作的超大圆形黄铜枝形吊灯;配有两把紫色天鹅绒椅子的迷人的白色大理石小圆桌;以及配有超大舒适床垫的乌木床。

Snug but aesthetically fun, the bath had robes from the trendy Parisian fashion label Maison Margiela white tiled walls, black-and-white checked floors and a white marble sink with brass fixtures and a large brass mirror. The shower stall had a rain-shower head, and though the water pressure was moderate at best, the toiletries from the luxe brand Red Flower made up for it.

浴室小巧舒适,具有审美情趣,配备有巴黎时尚品牌Maison Margiela的浴袍,白瓷砖墙,黑白格地板,黄铜配件白色大理石盥洗池,以及一面大黄铜镜。淋浴隔间的喷头最多只能说水压适中,不过奢侈品牌Red Flower的卫浴用品弥补了这一点。

Besides the garden, theres a lobby lounge with a limestone gas fireplace, oversize chandeliers, Moroccan rugs and vintage furniture. A small but airy gym is on the 20th floor. The intensely popular bistro Dirty French is on the entry level of the hotel, and hotel guests are given priority reservations. Guests can also order from the menu and have their meal served in the garden.

除了花园,还有一个大堂休息室,那里有石灰岩燃气壁炉、超大枝形吊灯、摩洛哥小地毯和古董家具。20层有一个小巧通风的健身房。很受欢迎的Dirty French餐厅在酒店一层,房客拥有优先预订权。房客们还可以按照菜单点餐,要求送到花园用餐。

A continental breakfast, part of the room rate, is offered at Dirty French starting at 7 a.m. seven days a week. The three choices are served à la carte, and include a plate of in-season fruit such as pluots and papayas, a pastry basket from the French bakery Balthazar and yogurt with granola. Additional items and room service are also available but for a charge.

房价包含欧式早餐,每周七天从早上7点起在Dirty French餐厅供应。菜单上的三道菜包括一盘应季水果,比如李子和木瓜;来自法式面包房Balthazar的面包篮,以及含有格兰诺拉燕麦片的酸奶。点其他菜或要求送餐服务则需另外付费。

The Ludlow wins high marks for its neighborhood feel and is a smart choice for travelers looking for an authentic sense of place away from the crowds.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

continental [.kɔnti'nentl]


adj. 大陆的

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

desirable [di'zaiərəbl]


adj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹

moderate ['mɔdəreit,'mɔdərit]


adj. 适度的,稳健的,温和的,中等的

additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

lively ['laivli]




关键字: 纽约 人气餐厅




