A team of refugees will compete for the first time at this summer's Olympics in Rio. Previously, athletes who did not represent a country were not allowed to compete.
The team will likely number between five and 10 athletes, the committee said in a statement, and "will be treated at the Olympic Games like all the other teams."
"By welcoming Refugee Olympic Athletes to the Olympic Games in Rio, we want to send a message of hope to all the refugees of the world," said International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach.

Here's more from Bach: "Having no national team to belong to, having no flag to march behind, having no national anthem to be played, these refugee athletes will be welcomed to the Olympic Games with the Olympic flag and with the Olympic Anthem. They will have a home together with all the other 11,000 athletes from 206 National Olympic Committees in the Olympic village."
The IOC said it has identified 43 contenders for the places on the team and the final group will be announced in June. Along with athletic prowess, potential team members will be assessed by "official refugee status verified by the United Nations, and personal situation and background."
A refugee would also carry the torch during the Greek leg of the flame relay. The team will march in the opening ceremony on Aug 5 just before the athletes from host Brazil.