The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) will undergo sweeping changes this year. The overhauled SAT exam, which puts a heavier emphasis on reading comprehension and tests students on their real-world applications, may affect the performance of Chinese students, who have traditionally excelled in the math part of the test and relied heavily on rote memorization.
Education experts believe that students from immigrant families and countries where English is not the native language will be at a disadvantage when being tested with longer reading passages.
The new SAT is going back to the old 1600 scale (400-1600) and doing away with the 2400 scale (600-2400).
Students will earn points for the questions they answer correctly but will not lose points for incorrect answers, as they did on the old test.
Not only will there be fewer questions, but students can spend less time taking the SAT. The old test took 225 minutes, but the new one takes 180 minutes, if you skip the essay.
The College Board has made several changes to the SAT essay, the biggest of which is that it's now optional. Students are no longer required to write an essay, but some colleges and still require it.
Instead of quizzing students on words they'll never use again like "abrogate" or "plaudit".
The new SAT has two math sections, one where you can use a calculator and one where you can't. The no-calculator section is new and was designed to make it easier for colleges to assess students' understanding of math concepts, according to The College Board.
The new test will have an increased emphasis on questions that make students infer information from graphs and charts, especially in the reading section.
US students will take the new test for the first time in March and the new test will be first administered internationally in May.