Despite the political division of China in this period, four important advances occurred. First, the trade became important In the south, trade became increasingly important, especially the tea trade.
Efforts at state monopozation occurred in an attempt to control the revenue of the tea trade.
Salt monopolies were developed and the salt taxes were the top budget item during this period.
The second development was translucent porcelain. This also happened in the south and was used both within China and as an export item.
The next important development was in the field of printing. In about 940, the first printing of the Classics occurred. Attempts at movable type began in about 1045.
Printing had far reaching effects on the Chinese people. As would occur later in Europe, printing allowed more people to become educated because books became more readily available.
Finally, in northern China, paper money was introduced. This introduction was due in part to the fact that metal was scarce in China. Besides, the existing copper money was very heavy and difficult to transport. The beginning of paper money was deposit certificates that merchants used in provinces where copper coins were the currency.
Eventually, the government would accept copper and then issue certificates, thus creating the prototype of a banking system.
This money system greatly prospered the trade.
The practice of binding womens feet also began during this time. The first evidence of this practice showed up in about 950.
Scholars were not sure how this practice began, however, it was widely practiced among both the rich and poor of China.
Only a few groups did not participate in this custom. They were the boat women of Kuang-tung and the aboriginal people of the southwest.
None of the non-Chinese groups surrounding China followed this custom.
Buddhism experienced a sharp decline during this period.
In northern China, Buddhists were heavily persecuted in 955.
This persecution seemed to be aimed at stopping men from becoming monks to avoid joining the armies.
Many regulations were put into practice. 30 336 temples and monasteries were secularized, and many monks were forced to leave the monasteries and take up secular lives.
The construction and the number of temples and monasteries were limited, in addition, private people could no longer build them.
Monks were also required to carry six i-dentification cards.
Culturally, the Liao Dynasty achieved mainly in astronomy, the calendar, medicine and architecture.
Not only did the Liao calendar kept the best parts of the Central Plain Han calendar, but also retained some of the special traits of the Khitan people.
Important achievements were made in acupuncture, pulse-feeling diagnosis, gynecology, obstetrics and preservation of corpses.
辽国的医学成就也很显著,其针炙、切脉诊法、妇产医科、尸体防腐等技术都具有较高水 平。
The Book of Acupuncture and Pulse-Feeling , written by a celebrated doctor named Zhi Lugu, enjoyed wide popularity at the time.
The Liao architecture influenced by the Tang style, accommodating the Khitan customs, achieved its own unique style.
The Khitan dialect and the Han language were the main languages used in the Liao Dynasty.