Amid slumping Asian markets and a dimmer outlook for deals this year, bankers in Asia are going back to basics: managing money for wealthy clients.
Global banks from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to Standard Chartered PLC are deploying new tactics to gather more assets from Asia's wealthy families. Firms are hiring more private bankers and culling clients from other parts of the bank. Bankers want to show clients their advice is needed in turbulent times. They are also pouring on perks, offering clients access to ritzy cars and events around the world.

The 18% decline in the Shanghai stock market so far this year and mounting doubts about new share offerings have banks counting on wealth managers to bring in a bigger share of revenue across Asia.
"Particularly in Asia-Pacific, wealth management is going to grow," said Keith Pogson, senior partner in financial services for Asia-Pacific at Ernst and Young. "It's one thing that is a constant."
安永会计师事务所亚太区金融服务高级合伙人Keith Pogson表示:“尤其是在亚太区,财富管理业务将会有所增长。这一点是可以肯定的。”
The potential is immense: The Asia-Pacific region had 4.7 million high-net-worth individuals in 2014, more than any other region in the world, according to Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management. Such individuals, defined as those with investible liquid assets of $1 million or more, controlled $15.824 trillion in assets as of that year.
Banks in Asia are also trying to use the close relationship that private bankers have with their rich clients to squeeze more revenue out of their investment-banking business.