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中英双语话历史 第63期:唐朝的创建和发展

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

In 618, Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty after the fall of the Sui Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty lasted for 289 years till 907, when Zhu Wen destroyed it.

Usually, the Tang Dynasty is divided into two periods by historians ,namely the early stage or prosperous stage, and the later stage or declining stage, with theAn-and-Shi Rebellionas their dividing line.
It was Li Yuan, Emperor Tang Gaozu who established the Tang Dynasty, but it was his son, Li Shimin, Emperor Tang Taizong who spent 10 years unifying the whole country by fighting wars.
Li Shimin ascended the throne upon theXuanwu Gate Coup DAmato”.
During his reign, he devoted all his efforts to make the country prosperous, that the famous periodZhenguan Times of Peace”,when politics, economy and culture, etc. achieved great success ranked the leading status in the world.
Afterwards, during the period of Emperor Tang Xuanzong, the country was strong and the common people were wealthy, the peaceful period went forth again, thafs uKaiyuan Flourishing Age”. However, it was also during the reign of Emperor Tang Xuanzong, the <4an-and-shi rebellionm broke out, thus drove the tang dynasty towards decline and fall.
<4an-and-shi rebellionm broke out, thus drove the tang dynasty towards decline and fall.
<4an-and-shi rebellionm broke out, thus drove the tang dynasty towards decline and fall.
In the late period of the Tang Dynasty, the state was in anarchy, fromParty Struggles between Niu and LitoEunuch Grabbing All the Powers”, while farmersrevolts emerging from time to time. At last, Huang Chao Revolt burst out. Zhu Wen, one of its leaders replaced the Tang Dynasty with the Post-Liang,he first dynasty of the Five Dynasties Period.
The Tang Dynasty is one of the most splendid dynasties in the Chinese history. With its puissant national power, prosperous economy and glorious culture, it reached the height of Chinese feudal society.
As the strongest and most advanced country, its high civilization influenced Japan, Korea and many other countries and areas.
它的高度文明影响了日本、朝鲜等许多国 家和地区,是当时世界上最强大、最先进的国家。
The Tang Dynasty experienced 289 years and 20 emperors (including 16 years when Wu Zetian replaced the Tang with the Zhou), Together with the Han Dynasty ,it was considered as the strongest and most prosperous dynasty in Chinese history.
At its prime time, the Tang territory extended to Andong Prefecture (now Pyongyang in Korea) in the east, the Anxi Prefecture (now kuche in Xinjiang) in the west, the Rinan Prefecture(now Qinghua in Vietnam) in the south and the An-bei Prefecture(now Halahelin in Inner Mongolia) in the north.
其盛时疆域东至安东府(今朝鲜平壤),西至安西府 (今新疆库车),南至日南郡(今越南清化),北至安北府(今蒙古哈拉和林)。
After the Revolts of An Lushan and Shi Siming, Hexi and Longyou were conquered by the Turfan and not recovered until the reign of Dazhong (847 ?860) and the reign of Xiantong (860 ?874).
安史之乱后,河西、陇右陷于吐蕃,至大中(847 ~ 860 )、咸通(860 ~ 874)始复。
During the early stage of the Tang Dynastyfrom Emperor Tang Tai-zong to Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Tang Xuanzong, the country kept developing rapidly, its economy, politics, military, foreign affairs and culture, etc. reached all-time prosperity.
TheZhenguan Times of PeaceandKaiyuan Flourishing Agestructured theTang Flourishing Atmospherewhich gave all Chinese people matchless pride and made China distinct in the world.
TheAn and Shi Rebellionappeared during the late period of Emperor Tang Xuanzongs reign, made the Tang Dynasty begin to decline.
In the middle and late stage of Tang Dynasty, the emperors lost their power in economy, politics and military affairs.
Eventually, vassal states broke away from the rule of the Tang Dynasty to set up separatist regimes one after another.
In 617,the late stage of the Sui Dynastywhen the peasantsrevolts were flourished, Li Yuan raised troops in Taiyuan.
At that time, the Wagang Troop and Hebei peasants Troop were fighting bravely in central plainstheir fighting held down a great deal army corps of the Sui Dynasty, thus the defending forces in Changanthe capital and the nearby areas were very weak. In the autumn, Li Yuan led 30000 soldiers to leave Taiyuan for Guanzhong.
In the end of the year, Li Yuan captured Changanand kinged the Sui prince Yang You as the puppet em-peror.
In 618, Emperor Yang of Sui was killedLi Yuan dethroned Yang You and made himself the emperor, namely, emperor Tang Gaozu. Li Yuan and his son LiShimin wiped out separate forces everywhere, suppressed peasants revolting armies and eventually unified the whole country.
During the process of establishing the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuans second son, Li Shimins contribution was greatest, but the eldest son, Li Jiancheng was selected as the crown prince.
In order to consolidate his position as the heir of emperor, Li Jiancheng hooked in his forth younger brother. Li Yuanji to cope with Li Shimin. Thus the conflict between them grew in intensity.
In 626(the ninth year of Wude), Li Shimin anticipated Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji by laying an ambush at the Xuanwu Gate and shooting them, thus his rivals were perished. The event was called theXuanwu Gate Coup DAmatoin history.
Shortly afterwards, Li Yuan gave up the throne to Li Shimin, who is the historically famous Emperor Tang Taizong, and the title of his reign is Zhenguan.
此后不久,李渊就把帝位让给了李世民,史称唐太宗,年号贞观(627 ~ 649)。
In Zhenguan period, the Tang Dynasty came to be strong.
The fact that the Sui Dynasty was overthrown by farmersrevolts impressed Li Shimin deeply.
After being an emperor, he often summed up the historic lessons from the perish of the Sui with his officials.
He always said, “The emperor is just like a boat, while the common people like waterwater can carry the boat, and it also can overturn the boat.”
In order to avoid the disaster ofoverturning the boat”,he aroused all his efforts to make the country prosperous.
为了避免 “覆舟”之祸,他勤于政事,励精图治。
He took much account of selecting officials, thus the important officials around him, such as Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Wen Yanbo, Dai Zhou, etc. all were elites of the time with their own strong points.
唐太宗很重视选官用人,他左右掌权的大臣, 如房玄龄、魏征、李靖、温彦博及戴胄等人各有所长,都是一时之俊。
At the beginning of his reign, the society and e-conomy suffered serious destroy, the masses had no means to live.
However,only a few years laterThe situation changed, according to the history record, “There appeared bumper harvest throughout the country, outcasts all returned their home-town. The price of 10 litres rice was only 0.3 ~0.4 hang . The number of criminals sentenced to death was only 29 in one year.
几年之后,据史书载:天下大稔,流散者咸 归乡里,斗米不过三四钱,终岁断死刑才29人。
From as far as the sea in the east to the Five Ridges in the south, all the common families needed not bolt their doors at night.”.
In the second year of his reign, Emperor Tang Taizong appointed General Li Jing, the minister of Department of War to crusade against the Turkis and won completely, hence eliminated the threat from the Western Regions.
Meanwhile, Taizong adopted many political measures to maintain the unification and to strengthen centralized emperor rule.
Under his rule, with a series of political, economic, cultural and educational reforms, the great Tang Empire flourished unparalleled. The period was called ^Zhenguan Times of Peace(namely, the golden ageof the Tang) ” in history and became the time which was yearned towards by later ages.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
contribution [.kɔntri'bju:ʃən]


n. 贡献,捐款(赠)

anarchy ['ænəki]


n. 无政府状态,混乱

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来



adj. 统一的;一致标准的 v. 统一;使一致(uni

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

intensity [in'tensiti]


n. 强烈,强度

devoted [di'vəutid]


adj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

anticipated [æn'tisipeit]


adj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避





