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丹宁死忠 如何在纽约寻找心水的牛仔裤

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In recent years, among the truly committed, truly discerning jeans shopper, a beau ideal has taken hold: raw selvage denim in styles that evoke the rugged workpants of yesteryear. Think Marlon Brando inThe Wild One” (or his jeans, anyway).

近年来,那些品味卓越,一心专注的牛仔裤购买者开始追求一种理想:不同风格的带有织边的粗糙丹宁牛仔布,这让人想起昔日结实的工装裤。想想《飞车党》(The Wild One)里的马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando),或者他的牛仔裤吧。

Where does one go to buy a pair? Ideally, Japan, where denim brands use old-school shuttle looms to fastidiously reproduce the styles of 1947. Luckily for New Yorkers, raw selvage can be found at several shops in the city that carry the coveted Japanese brands or make their own denim in that vein, or both.


Consider Self Edge, at 157 Orchard Street, a store open for six years that treats denim like a religion. Self Edge stocks only brands from designers who havesoul to what they do,” said Andrew Chen, a partner of Self Edge New York.

果园街157号的Self Edge拥有六年历史,把丹宁牛仔视为一种信仰。它只出售那些“在产品中灌注灵魂”的设计师品牌,Self Edge纽约的合伙人之一安德鲁·陈(Andrew Chen)说。

To illustrate the point, he held up theforeman pant,” the latest release from Roy Slaper, who makes every pair of Roy jeans himself in his workshop in Oakland, Calif. The pocket bag material is a funky design; the inside stitching is made on a vintage machine that leaves a seashell pattern. “You just cant do this on a production line,” Mr. Chen said.

为了阐明自己的观点,他拿起一条“领班裤”,这是罗伊·斯拉帕(Roy Slaper)的最新作品。“罗伊”的每一条牛仔裤,都是他本人在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的工作室里亲手制成的。裤兜的质材是一种很放克(funky)的设计;里面的针脚是用一种老式缝纫机制作,呈现贝壳般的样式。“生产线上做不出这样的东西,”陈先生说。

Elsewhere, hanging on iron hooks, were a highly edited sampling of jeans by 3sixteen, a denim brand founded and carried by Self Edge, as well as Japanese favorites like Flathead and Sugar Cane. Another Japanese brand, Iron Heart, makes the heaviest denim the shop carries, jeans that wear like a stiff canvas sack until broken in.

店里的铁钩上还挂着3sixteen品牌精心修饰的牛仔裤样品,这个丹宁品牌和在日本大受欢迎的FlatheadSugar Cane一样,是由Self Edge自己创立和开发的。另一个日本品牌Iron Heart是店里所售最重的丹宁牛仔,没穿上身的时候,好像帆布袋一样。

After a year or two, you end up with a jean that youre really proud of, that you did work on,” Mr. Chen said.


Prices range from $190 to $360. And Self Edge also offers hemming and repair services; the hemming is performed on a Union Special, which Mr. Chen assured was the holy grail of vintage chain-stitch machines.

这里的牛仔裤价格从190美元到360美元一条。Self Edge还提供缝边和修补服务;缝边是用Union Special牌缝纫机做的,陈先生说,这是老式缝纫机中最好的型号。

Brooklyn Denim Company, at 85 North Third Street, Brooklyn, carries selvage and non-selvage styles. In contrast to the minimalist gallery approach of Self Edge, Brooklyn Denim stacks its jeans in piles on tables and shelves, an initially daunting shopping experience made navigable by the stores expert staff.

布鲁克林丹宁公司(Brooklyn Denim Company)位于布鲁克林北三街85号,它有织边和非织边两种式样。和Self Edge那种极简主义的画廊风格不同,布鲁克林丹宁把牛仔裤摞在桌上和货架上,在专业店员们的设计之下,购物体验最初有些吓人,其实却很方便。

Brooklyn Denim carries the brand, First Standard, which is made in the shop, along with labels like Levis Made & Crafted, Tellason, Strom and the Japanese brands Big John and Japan Blue.

布鲁克林丹宁经营着First Standard品牌,是在店内制作的,店内还销售李维斯(Levis)旗下的Made & CraftedTellasonStrom等品牌,以及Big JohnJapan Blue等日本品牌。

Kenny Abiog, a co-owner, said the store also makes custom jeans for denim heads who have something in mind that they cant find in the store. Prices for custom start at $795. Repairs and hemming are also offered.

店主之一肯尼·阿比奥格(Kenny Abiog)说,如果丹宁死忠们觉得他们想要的东西这里没有,店内还提供定制牛仔裤服务。定制价格795美元起,此外同样提供缝边和修补。

Perhaps the citys best source for custom denim, though, is 3x1, at 15 Mercer Street, the brand founded by Scott Morrison, formerly of Paper Denim Cloth and Ernest Sewn. Here, the feeling is a denim atelier, with bolts of selvage fabric in indigo hues hanging on the wall and workers operating sewing machines in the middle of the store.

不过,纽约最好的丹宁牛仔定制店或许还要算是默西街15号的3x1店。这个品牌由斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)创立,他曾是Paper Denim ClothErnest Sewn品牌的成员。3x1店内的感觉完全是一座丹宁牛仔的艺术工作室,一匹匹各种靛蓝色调的织边丹宁牛仔布挂在墙上,工人们在店中间操作着缝纫机。

The brand offers three options: a ready-to-wear collection ($250 to $325); a custom jean where you pick the fabric, buttons, zipper, thread and other details (starting at $525); and a tailor-made jean (starting at $1,200), ideal for athletes and others with specific sizing requirements.


Mr. Morrison walked a customer through the 3x1 custom process, explaining the difference between red and green cast fabric (the red is the all-American blue jean, the green is favored in Europe and Japan) and dispensing tips like how to create a dressier jean (choose a matching thread color).


Still, Mr. Morrison said, 3x1 will make any custom jean you can think of using its hand-loomed denims and detail kit, no matter how bold.


This is about whatever you want,” he said.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

thread [θred]


n. 线,细丝,线索,思路,螺纹
vt. 穿线

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

vein [vein]


n. 静脉,纹理,叶脉,岩脉
vt. 使有脉络

sampling ['sæmpliŋ]


n. 抽样,样品 动词sample的现在分词形式

canvas ['kænvəs]


n. 帆布,(帆布)画布,油画

illustrate ['iləstreit]


v. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解

bold [bəuld]


adj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的


关键字: 丹宁死忠 牛仔裤




