If the Inca sun gods have been hiding in Lima, as the chieftains of the global economy gathered over the past week, it is because they were given plenty of reason to go into hiding.
Under leaden skies in the Peruvian capital, the International Monetary Fund has delivered a series of reports full of gloom. It has downgraded its forecast for growth this year and warned of grim financial risks hanging over the global economy. The fund now expects the global economy to grow at 3.1 per cent, its slowest growth rate since the 2007-8 financial crisis and the recession that followed in many big economies.
Such a downbeat view of the global economy has been borne out by data coming out of the US and Germany over the past week. What had hitherto been a resilient US labour market showed signs of slowing down in September, and Germany’s exports and industrial production are suffering from a downturn in China and other emerging economies.
“It is very clear from this IMF meeting that the risks in the global economy are rising,” George Osborne, the UK chancellor, told reporters yesterday on the sidelines of the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank.
“从本次IMF会议可以清楚地看出,全球经济中的风险正在上升,”英国财政大臣乔治斯本(George Osborne)昨日在IMF和世界银行(World Bank)年会的间隙对记者们表示。
There are concerns that the world’s response is too piecemeal.
Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, called for countries to employ a “new recipe” to respond and stimulate growth.
IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(Christine Lagarde)呼吁各国采用“新配方”来回应低迷局面,刺激经济增长。
Jack Lew, who as US Treasury secretary guards one of the few bright spots in the global economy, scolded other industrialised nations, questioning their “will” to do more to stimulate growth. He told reporters: “In Europe and Japan ... there is certainly more that can be done on both demand and structural reform. Clearly there is the capacity to do more. The question is will.”
守护着全球经济中少数亮点的美国财政部长杰克戠(Jack Lew)不客气地批评其它工业化国家,质疑它们有没有“决心”采取更多行动刺激经济增长。他对记者们表示:“在欧洲和日本……在需求和结构性改革方面肯定都有更多事情可以做。采取更多行动的空间显然是存在的。现在的问题是决心。”
Lou Jiwei, China’s finance minister, said yesterday: “We need co-ordinated monetary and fiscal policies.”
The mood in Lima has been softened somewhat by a sense that the Chinese authorities may be over the summer panic that led to turmoil in world markets, and that they are back in command of their economy, on message and intent on reform. All week, in the halls of Peru’s central bank and the adjoining convention centre and national museum where the meetings have been held, Chinese officials have been working hard to reassure their counterparts.
“I would say, ‘Don’t worry,’” Yi Gang, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, told one session early in the week, insisting that China remained “pretty much” on a path of “middle-to-high growth in the near future”.
Mr Lou also repeated a reassurance that Beijing did not intend to engage in a currency war with the rest of the world in order to help the cause of exporters at home.
“I want to emphasise that the basis is not there for the continued devaluation of the renminbi,” he told reporters.
Despite its best efforts, Beijing’s re愀猀猀甀爀愀渀挀攀 is accepted warily.
“China has undertaken a reform programme ... that would address many of the important challenges China faces,” said Mr Lew. “The question now is do they have the will to stick with that and to demonstrate with their actions that they have the will to stick with it.”
On the other hand, one leading economy not subjected to a downgrade in the IMF’s World Economic Outlook this week was China, which the IMF still expects to grow 6.8 per cent this year.
另一方面,本周IMF《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook)没有调降预测的一个大型经济体正是中国;IMF仍预计中国今年将增长6.8%。
Amid the gloom, the upshot is that this week’s annual meetings have not been consumed by the sort of acute crises, such as Greece’s economic meltdown, that have overshadowed them in the recent past.
If the message from the IMF is that the world economy is being dragged into slower growth by emerging economies who face an increasing array of challenges, some officials were also keen to point out that the global recovery remained under way.
“I think we should just first of all remind ourselves that growth is at 3.1 [per cent],” said Ms Lagarde. “There is continued recovery... We are simply saying that it is decelerating a bit.”