Rise and Fall of Eastern Han Dynasty
A distant relative of Liu royalty, Liu Xiu, led the revolt against Wang Mang with the support of the landholding families and merchants.
He “reestablished” the Han Dynasty at Luoyang, which would rule for another 200 years, and became Emperor Guangwu of Han China.
In 105, During Eastern Han Dynasty, an official and inventor named Cai Lun invented the technique for making fine paper.
The invention of paper is considered a revolution in communication and learning, dramatically lowering the cost of education.
Nevertheless the Eastern Han emperors failed to put forward any groundbreaking land reforms after the failure of its precedent dynasty.
Rife bureaucratic corruption and bribery contributed into lingering adverse consequences of land privatizations throughout the dynasty.
Prestige of a newly founded dynasty during the reigns of first three emperors were barely able to hinder the corruption ;
however Confucian scholar gentry turned on eunuchs for their corrupted authorities when consort clans and eunuchs struggled for power in subsequent reigns.
None of these three parties was able to improve the harsh livelihood of peasants under the landholding families.
Land privatizations and accumulations on the hands of the elite affected the societies of the Three Kingdoms and the Southern and Northern Dynasties that the landholding elite held the actual driving and ruling power of the country.
Successful ruling entities worked with these families, and consequently their policies favored the elite.

Adverse effects of the Nine grade controller system or the Nine rank system were brilliant examples.
Taiping Taoist ideals of equal rights and equal land distribution quickly spread throughout the peasantry.
As a result, the peasant insurgents of the Yellow Turban Rebellion swarmed the North China Plain, the main agricultural sector of the country.
Power of the Liu royalty then fell into the hands of local governors and warlords, despite suppression of the main upraising of Zhang Jiao and his brothers.
Three overlords eventually succeeded in control of the whole of China proper, ushering in the period of the Three Kingdoms.
The figurehead Emperor Xian reigned until A.D. 220 when Cao Pi forced his abdication.
In 311, around one hundred years after the fall of the Eastern Han, its capital Luoyang was sacked by barbarians.