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经典科幻文学:《 基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第7章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Arthur Dent had been in some hell-holes in his life, but he had never before seen a spaceport which had a sign saying, ‘Even travelling despondently is better than arriving here.’ To welcome visitors the arrivals hall featured a picture of the President of NowWhat, smiling. It was the only picture anybody could find of him, and it had been taken shortly after he had shot himself so although the photo had been retouched as well as could be managed the smile it wore was rather a ghastly one. The side of his head had been drawn back in in crayon. No replacement had been found for the photograph because no replacement had been found for the President. There was only one ambition which anyone on the planet ever had, and that was to leave.


Arthur checked himself into a small motel on the outskirts of town, and sat glumly on the bed, which was damp, and flipped through the little information brochure, which was also damp. It said that the planet of NowWhat had been named after the opening words of the first settlers to arrive there after struggling across light years of space to reach the furthest unexplored outreaches of the Galaxy. The main town was called OhWell. There werent any other towns to speak of. Settlement on NowWhat had not been a success and the sort of people who actually wanted to live on NowWhat were not the sort of people you would want to spend time with.


Trading was mentioned in the brochure. The main trade that was carried out was in the skins of the NowWhattian boghog but it wasnt a very successful one because no one in their right minds would want to buy a NowWhattian boghog skin. The trade only hung on by its fingernails because there was always a significant number of people in the Galaxy who were not in their right minds. Arthur had felt very uncomfortable looking around at some of the other occupants of the small passenger compartment of the ship.


The brochure described some of the history of the planet. Whoever had written it had obviously started out trying to drum up a little enthusiasm for the place by stressing that it wasnt actually cold and wet all the time, but could find little positive to add to this so the tone of the piece quickly degenerated into savage irony.


It talked about the early years of settlement. It said that the major activities pursued on NowWhat were those of catching, skinning and eating NowWhattian boghogs, which were the only extant form of animal life on NowWhat, all other having long ago died of despair. The boghogs were tiny, vicious creatures, and the small margin by which they fell short of being completely inedible was the margin by which life on the planet subsisted. So what were the rewards, however small, that made life on NowWhat worth living? Well, there werent any. Not a one. Even making yourself some protective clothing out of boghog skins was an exercise in disappointment and futility, since the skins were unaccountably thin and leaky. This caused a lot of puzzled conjecture amongst the settlers. What was the boghogs secret of keeping warm? If anyone had ever learnt the language the boghogs spoke to each other they would have discovered that there was no trick. The boghogs were as cold and wet as anyone else on the planet. No one had had the slightest desire to learn the language of the boghogs for the simple reason that these creatures communicated by biting each other very hard on the thigh. Life on NowWhat being what it was, most of what a boghog might have to say about it could easily be signified by these means.


Arthur flipped through the brochure till he found what he was looking for. At the back there were a few maps of the planet. They were fairly rough and ready because they werent likely to be of much interest to anyone, but they told him what he wanted to know.


He didnt recognise it at first because the maps were the other way up from the way he would have expected and looked, therefore, thoroughly unfamiliar. Of course, up and down, north and south, are absolutely arbitrary designations, but we are used to seeing things the way we are used to seeing them, and Arthur had to turn the maps upside-down to make sense of them.


There was one huge landmass off on the upper left-hand side of the page which tapered down to a tiny waist and then ballooned out again like a large comma. On the right-hand side was a collection of large shapes jumbled familiarly together. The outlines were not exactly the same, and Arthur didnt know if this was because the map was so rough, or because the sea-level was higher or because, well, things were just different here. But the evidence was inarguable.


This was definitely the Earth.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
comma ['kɔmə]


n. 逗号,停顿,间歇 n. 银纹多角蛱蝶

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

conjecture [kən'dʒektʃə]


v. & n. 推测,臆测

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

vicious ['viʃəs]


adj. 恶毒的,恶意的,凶残的,剧烈的,严重的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部





