A Japanese scientist has won the spoof Ig Nobel medicine prize for a study that revealed kissing could reduce allergic reactions in humans。
“I wish that people will understand the new effect of kissing and I also hope that kissing will bring not only love but also attenuation of allergic reaction,” Hajime Kimata, who could not attend last week’s 25th annual event, said in a videotaped acceptance speech。
“I am honoured to be awarded the Ig Nobel Prize and I appreciate it very much。”
Kimata received the prize jointly with three Slovakian scientists who also studied the “medical effects of kissing。” The Slovakian group looked at how long male DNA stays in a woman’s mouth after “intense kissing。”
After the medical award was announced, some couples in the audience, prompted by the master of ceremonies, responded by embracing and kissing each other。
The award ceremony - which the science humour magazine “Annals of Improbable Research” gives in 10 categories as a parody of the Nobel Prizes - was held at Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre. It was the ninth straight year for an Ig Nobel prize to go to Japanese recipients。
Kimata, who runs an allergy clinic in Neyagawa, Osaka Prefecture, said: “Using the natural healing powers that humans have, I have been working towards alleviating allergic reactions in people。”
Among other winners were scientists from the US and Australia for creating a way to “partially un-boil an egg” and a group of researchers at a Dutch linguistics institute for revealing the universality of the word “huh。”
Last year, four Japanese researchers won the physics prize for their work measuring the friction that occurs when someone steps on a banana peel。