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Global markets may be blaming their jitters on the economic slowdown in China, but in the streets of Shanghai and Beijing there are few signs of panic over the “Black Monday” market rout .


At Shanghai’s largest Apple Store, in one of the city’s busiest shopping streets, the lunchtime crowd is as large as usual awaiting the arrival of the newest Apple smartphone model, the iPhone 6s.

在上海最大的苹果(Apple)店(位于这座城市最繁忙的购物街之一),午餐时间的人群像往常一样多,人们都在等待新款苹果智能手机iPhone 6s的亮相。

“I still want to buy the iPhone 6s,” says Yu Xinyuan, a 21-year-old student in the store with Yu Yu, her boyfriend, also 21. “The slowdown in the economy won’t change my plans,” she says.

“我仍然想买iPhone 6s,”21岁的学生于欣媛(音译)称,她正在和21岁的男朋友于宇(音译)一起逛苹果店。“经济下滑不会改变我的计划,”她说。

She seems to echo the views of Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, who said in a market-moving email to a CNBC presenter this week that his company’s sales in China remained strong. “I can tell you that we have continued to experience strong growth for our business in China through July and August,” Mr Cook said, adding that “growth in iPhone activations has actually accelerated over the past few weeks”.

她似乎与苹果首席执行官蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)的观点一致。库克本周在发给CNBC主持人的一封影响股市的邮件中称,苹果在中国的销售仍然强劲。“我可以告诉你,7月至8月,我们的在华业务继续经历强劲增长,”库克称,他补充道,“过去几周,iPhone激活量增长实际上加快了。”

At the Starbucks kiosk opposite Apple’s shop, in the premier Hong Kong Plaza shopping centre, a lengthy lunchtime queue forms, despite the fact that a latté bought there can set some white- collar workers back as much as 1 per cent of their monthly salary.

在苹果店对面、位于香港广场(Hong Kong Plaza)高档购物中心内的星巴克(Starbucks),午餐时间的顾客排成长长的一队,尽管这里一杯拿铁咖啡的售价可以花掉一些白领月薪的1%。

Outside Hong Kong Plaza, several passers-by agree on one thing: neither the jittery stock market nor the weakening economy has yet prompted them to tighten their belts.


As he queues for a table outside a popular restaurant, office worker Frank Gu says: “I don’t think the economic slowdown will affect my life.” He adds almost as an afterthought: “I am still planning to buy the new iPhone.”

上班族Frank Gu在一家知名餐厅外排队等桌时称:“我不认为经济下滑会影响我的生活。”他稍加思索后补充称:“我仍然计划购买新款iPhone。”

Tina Tang, a new investor who is waiting to cross Huaihai Road, says she is not worried. “I recently started trading stocks along with some of my colleagues, but none of us has been affected much. We expect the stock market to go up and down and we are getting used to it.”

正在淮海路上等待过马路的新晋股民Tina Tang称她并不担心。“我最近和几个同事一起开始炒股,但是我们都没有受太大影响。我们预料到股市会起起伏伏,也正在开始习惯。”

Asked whether the decline in the real economy would cause her to alter any spending plans she said: “I never even thought about that.”


Wang Pingnan, a longstanding stock market investor, also takes a sanguine view, but warns that it is too early to say whether the slowdown will affect him. “It will be like a wave, which started in the manufacturing [areas of China] and hasn’t yet reached Shanghai. So we don’t feel a thing now... don’t feel like we are in danger now,” he says.


At the Jinjiang Buick dealership in Shanghai, Dai Xiaoran, a sales executive, says it is getting harder to sell cars, but thinks that licence plate restrictions and competition are the main causes.


“The economy is not good and the stock market is not good, but neither has a big influence on motor sales. Demand for cars is rigid here: for many people, to buy a car is a must,” he says.


Stock market turmoil is far from the minds of Beijing residents, who were last weekend treated to a rehearsal of a military parade on September 3 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war. The capital was transformed into a theatre of troops marching, with streets blocked off.


The rest of the world may feel that the Chinese economy is grinding to a halt, but the shoppers of China’s big cities are not ready to stop spending.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

sanguine ['sæŋgwin]


adj. 乐天的,自信的,红润的 n. 血红色

presenter [pri'zentə]


n. 主持人,提出者,呈献者,

panic ['pænik]


n. 恐慌
adj. 惊慌的

rehearsal [ri'hə:sl]


n. 排练,彩排

commemorate [kə'meməreit]


vt. 纪念

alter ['ɔ:ltə]


v. 改变,更改,阉割,切除

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

rigid ['ridʒid]


adj. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的


关键字: 经济放缓 消费热情




