Do you notice men these days are becoming more and more interested in how they look? Some mans use moisturizers and makeup every day, some of them even wear jewelry! Every time you come near them you get a whiff of their cologne.
Men in today's society are definitely starting to care more and more about their own image. Some men spend as much time and money on their appearance as most women do--a few even go to beauty salons and get plastic surgery. It's said that one out of every ten people who get plastic surgery is male.
Traditionally, women are the ones who are supposed to care most about beauty, but people’s values are changing these days, especially in the big cities. A few years earlier, if a man showed he cared about his appearance or clothes, he would be told he was being too feminine, or acting like a girl. But now, plenty of men would willingly describe themselves as "metrosexual"--it doesn’t have a negative connotation.

Many celebrities, especially in the movie industry, are so-called "pretty boys". They are admired and idolized by the public, and many young men want to imitate their clothes and fashions, which is one of the reasons for the "pretty boy" phenomenon in society at large. In reality, whether or not you’re a celebrity, a well-groomed appearance can raise your self-confidence and help you make a good impression on other people.
很多明星,尤其是在演艺界明星,被叫作 “花样美男”。他们被大众崇拜和偶像化,很多年轻的男孩子都想模仿他们的穿衣打扮,这是“美男”现象在社会上流行的一个原因。实际上,不管你是不是明星,光鲜靓丽的外表都能提升自己的信心,并给人以良好的印象。
Another reason that men are paying more attention to their appearance is that they've realized that women are paying attention to men's appearance! A man who makes an effort to look his best is more likely to win the approval of the opposite gender. Also, many women appreciate a man who doesn't roll his eyes as soon as she mentions anything having to do with fashion.
So whereas before, women dressed up in order to attract men, nowadays men are also dressing up to attract women.
所以说, 以前是女人为了吸引男人而打扮自己。现在男人也为了吸引女人而打扮。
Nowadays, some of girls have an unusual style. They have short hair, they only wear T-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, and they never wear makeup. If you didn't know them you wouldn't be able to tell that they were girls!
Their style has a nice casual and confident feeling; it looks very natural.
Some of them even talk different than other girls; their voices are kind of throaty, low alto quality rather than high pitched.
There are definitely girls who project a more masculine attitude. One good example of this kind of "tomboy" is the 2005 Super Girl contest winner, Li Yuchun. To tell you the truth, the first time you saw her on TV, you couldn't tell she was a girl, but the more you watched the more you liked her style.
Li Yuchun has tons of fans even though she doesn't fit the traditional Chinese ideal of female beauty. Tomboys like her defy the idea that women have to be gentle, tender, sweet, and cute in order to be pretty.
This more androgynous form of beauty is really in style these days; fashion designers have started coming out with more androgynous clothes and accessories, and it's becoming a hot trend.
But even though this trend is becoming more and more popular, sometimes people make assumptions about other people's personalities based on the type of clothes they wear, but tomboys aren't any different from girls with a more traditionally feminine style. You can be down to earth, outgoing and attractive to the opposite sex regardless of whether you wouldn't dream of wearing a skirt or you wear a skirt every day.