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At first glance, an interrogation might seem like a mere question-and-answer session, but countless psychological angles delve far beyond "good cop, bad cop." Below are 10 facts about interrogations, from the dark secrets of government agencies to heavy metal and the world's most influential cult.


10.The CIA's Interrogation Architect



Dr. James Mitchell has had the kind of career they make movies about. He enlisted in the Air Force in 1974, where he became an expert in defusing bombs. Toward the end of his military stint, he served as a psychologist to a North Carolina special-ops unit. His retirement coincided almost perfectly with the 9/11 attacks. Subsequently, he joined up with fellow former military psychologist Dr. Bruce Jessen to sell their expertise to the CIA.

The two made millions despite their lack of experience. Neither had carried out real interrogations or could even speak Arabic. And yet Mitchell became known as the architect of the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" program, a euphemism which has since been revealed to describe unambiguous torture. Their methods included confinement, throwing subjects into walls, sleep deprivation, and—perhaps most notoriously—waterboarding. Mitchell himself waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who under duress admitted to various terrorist activities, which legal experts later deemed false confessions. In 2009, Mitchell and Jessen were dismissed from the CIA payroll. The Senate issued a scathing report detailing their abuses.
Mitchell was unrepentant for his activities, saying, "The narrative that's out there is, I walked up to the gate of the CIA, knocked on the door and said: ‘Let me in, I want to torture people, and I can show you how to do it.' Or someone put out an ad on Craigslist that said, ‘Wanted: psychologist who is willing to design torture program.' It's a lot more complicated than that. I'm just a guy who got asked to do something for this country by people at the highest level of government, and I did the best I could."

9.The Reid Technique



An official interrogation is careful and systematic, using such methods as the "Reid Technique," established by John Reid in the 1950s and taught by John E. Reid & Associates, Inc. It uses nine steps to disarm subjects. The interrogator monologues as if the accused is guilty. The trick's loaded statements lull the accused into accepting responsibility for the crime.

Although the technique is still commonly taught, many see major flaws. One of its biggest drawbacks is its focus on body language. Step 6, for instance, tells the interrogator to look for "physical signs of surrender" because "tears at this stage positively indicate the suspect's guilt." The connection between anxiety and lying is tenuous at best; an honest man locked away in a police precinct will likely exhibit suspicious traits when pressed, while a cold-blooded sociopath can weave a murderous tapestry of lies without blinking. The Reid Technique is infamous for drawing false confessions, particularly from children. In some European countries, it cannot legally be used to question juveniles.

8.The Fatal Debt Interrogation



On March 29, 2011, Indonesian businessman Irzen Octa was called to a Jakarta Citibank office to discuss the $5,700 he owed on his platinum card. Octa was sent to an interrogation room used to question debtors, where he was beset by three third-party collectors: Arif Lukman, Henry Waslington, and Donal Harris.

2011年3月29日,印度尼西亚商人Irzen Octa被叫到雅加达花旗银行,讨论他白金卡里拖欠的5700美金一事。他被送到一间审问债务人的审讯室里,在那里他被三个第三方收债人围攻:Arif Lukman, Henry Waslington和 Donal Harris。
Indonesian banks are known to hound debtors, but what happened to Octa defies comprehension. Security footage shows him walking into the interrogation room, which had no cameras of its own. Over two hours later, he is shown being rolled out the room in a wheelchair, perhaps already dead. The bank may have attempted to cover-up the death, as a single medical examiner released conflicting reports. Several doctors examined the body, listing the cause of death as asphyxiation and brain hemorrhage caused by blunt violence. The three debt collectors were sentenced to five years in prison for their role in Octa's death.
印度尼西亚银行骚扰债务人是出了名的。但是发生在 Octa身上的一切却实在让人无法理解。安全监控录影带里显示他走进了没有摄像头的审讯室。两个小时之后,他就坐在一把轮椅上被推出了房间,或许那个时候他就已经死了。银行也许试图想要掩盖其罪行,因为有一位法医发布了许多自相矛盾的报告。一些医生检查了尸体都认为死因是因钝物袭击引起的窒息和脑出血。因为暴力殴打导致了Octa的死亡,最后这三个收债人被判处五年监禁。

7.The FBI's Interrogation Guide



Under the Freedom of Information Act signed by Lyndon B. Johnson, the government regularly releases formerly classified intelligence to the public. These reports are heavily redacted, with black boxes removing names and details. Much of this stuff covers tedious bureaucratic proceedings, but there are some juicy bits, such as FBI files of well-known personalities. The highly anticipated CIA files on the JFK assassination are due to be made public in 2017.

Other sought-after documents include the FBI's internal guidelines. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has been trying to get its hands on this material for years. In 2011, the FBI released a censored version of their interrogation procedures. However, in a bizarre turn, it was discovered that this information—without redactions—had been available through the US Copyright Office. For some inexplicable reason, a high-ranking FBI official registered the form for copyright, making it publicly available. Unlike the FBI's redacted version, the uncensored copy reveals that only FBI "clean" teams, who plan to bring cases to court, must follow the stated regulations. This indicates that underground operations work far outside the boundaries of the law. The uncensored report also confirms that the FBI uses the aforementioned Reid technique.

6.Interrogation Room Suicide



The morning of December 19, 2003 would be a surreal one for the officers of San Bernadino County, California's Sheriff's Department. Deputy Michael Parham stopped 47-year-old Ricardo Alfonso Cerna for a traffic violation, only to have Cerna open fire, shooting him twice in the abdomen. Cerna was captured shortly thereafter and send to headquarters. He was placed in an interrogation room by the head of the homicide unit, Bobby Dean. But Cerna had no intention of being questioned.

Dean gave the suspect a bottle of water and stepped out into the hallway to speak with another officer. Then Cerna replaced the cap on the bottle of water, pulled a .45-caliber handgun from his pants, and calmly shot himself through the left temple. Dean returned to the room and exhaled a string of stunned expletives. Exactly how the official interrogation footage was made available to the public has not been revealed—it was distributed to various law enforcement agencies and could have been leaked anywhere along the line. Officials claimed disciplinary action was taken against officers in the Cerna case but did not provide details.If we accept the footage at face value, police arrested a man for shooting an officer and then allowed him into police headquarters with his massive handgun. Such a lapse of responsibility is so shocking that some believe there may have been a conspiracy.

翻译:高陈影 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

notoriously [nəu'tɔ:riəsli]


adv. 臭名昭著地,众所周知地

technique [tek'ni:k]


n. 技术,技巧,技能

expertise [.ekspə:'ti:z]


n. 专家的意见,专门技术

surrender [sə'rendə]


v. 投降,让与,屈服
n. 投降,屈服,放弃

cult [kʌlt]


n. 宗教膜拜仪式,异教,狂热崇拜,个人崇拜

interrogation [in.terə'geiʃən]


n. 审问,问号

tedious ['ti:diəs]


adj. 沉闷的,单调乏味的

blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的





