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Didi Kuaidi is poised to become the first legal ride-hailing service in Shanghai, under a pilot programme launched by the citys government designed to bring online private taxi services into the economic mainstream.

“滴滴快的”(Didi Kuaidi)有望成为上海第一款合法的打车服务。上海市政府启动了将在线专车服务融入经济主流的试点计划。

In another sign of Didi Kuaidis favour with the state, China Investment Corp, the countrys sovereign-wealth fund, intends to invest in the company as part of a $2bn financing round, according to a person familiar with the situation. The CIC typically takes stakes in projects deemed to be strategic to the country.


The group said discussions with Shanghai authorities began in May and the new arrangement would begin with an initiative to register all drivers on the same information platform used by other conventional taxi drivers.


Steven Wang, the companys head of strategy, said Didi Kuaidireached a comprehensive co-operation agreement with the Shanghai government”.

公司战略主管Steven Wang表示,滴滴快的“已与上海市政府达成全面合作协议”。

We are co-operating with the government so it stands to reason that we are in the process of finding a legal path,” he added.


Mr Wang said the proposed agreement involved greater sharing of information on drivers and passengers with the government, mandating that all data servers had to be stationed in China and transportation sensitive data must beuploaded to regulatorsand could not be transferred abroad. He added that companies that complied with the agreement would be required to have an internet content provider licence.

Steven Wang说,拟议中的协议涉及更多与政府分享有关司机和乘客的信息,要求所有数据服务器落户中国境内,要求交通敏感数据上传至监管机构,且不得转移到境外。他补充说,遵守该协议的企业将需要获得一份互联网内容提供商许可证。

We have been working with the Shanghai government to find a total solution,” said Mr Wang. “Didi Kuaidi is the only company that satisfies all the criteria.”

“我们一直在与上海政府合作,希望找到一个全面的解决方案,”Steven Wang说。“滴滴快的是满足所有标准的唯一一家公司。”

Private taxis are illegal in China and local governments in particular have fought against the encroachment by Didi and Uber, the US ride-hailing app, on lucrative licensed taxi monopolies by fining the companiesdrivers.


However, Chinas political leaders have made clear that they see potential benefits from such services, including the reduction of traffic congestion and pollution. Shanghai has traditionally been used as a testing ground for new economic policies before they are rolled out nationally.


Mr Wang said he had no information on whether the companys drivers had been exempted from police raids on private taxis last month in which several dozen drivers reportedly had their cars impounded and police had threatened to revoke their licences.

Steven Wang说,他不清楚滴滴快的的司机是否在上月警方对专车采取的执法行动中获得豁免。在那次行动中,据报道有数十名司机的汽车被扣押,警方威胁要吊销他们的驾照。

Uber was the only service mentioned by name in media reports, but the US company said it had not been singled out.


Didis efforts at legalisation in Shanghai will do little to dispel the impression that Chinas domestic internet companies face fewer challenges operating in the country than their foreign competitors.


Of the five criterion mentioned, it is quite obvious that Uber is the only company that will have trouble in legalisation, apparently, as its servers are overseas,” said Zhang Xu, an expert on ride-hailing apps at Analysys, the Beijing-based internet consultancy.


Uber said it did not seeany hurdlescomplying with the conditions, adding: “We believe the Shanghai government will support Uber as a tech-driven internet company bringing innovation to the city as much as they support other players in the market.”


The company said on Monday that it had completed the set-up of Uber China, the only separate company it has created in a major market that it has targeted. Analysts said the move could be an effort to comply with the countrys legalisation requirements.

该公司周一表示,它已完成了优步中国(Uber China)的组建工作,这是它在大型目标市场创建的唯一独立实体。分析师们表示,此举可能是为了遵守中国的合法化要求。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的

dispel [di'spel]


v. 驱散,驱逐

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

comply [kəm'plai]


vi. 顺从,遵照,答应

transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən]


n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

criterion [krai'tiəriən]


n. 标准,准则

innovation [.inəu'veiʃən]


n. 创新,革新

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物





