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MANDALAY, MyanmarEmerging from behind a tawdry blue curtain in the garage of his three-story home here in Myanmars second largest city, U Lu Maw made his way onto a makeshift stage to do what he does best: tell jokes.

缅甸,曼德勒——这里是缅甸第二大城市,卢茂(U Lu Maw)来到自家三层楼房的车库,他从俗丽的蓝色帷幕后面探出身子,在这个临时舞台上做自己最擅长的事:讲笑话。

‘‘I dont trust the government,’’ Mr. Lu Maw, 66, bellowed into the microphone in English one evening last month to an audience of foreigners. ‘‘The croniesthey like to take things for free, like Jesse James. Its the five-finger discount.’’

“我不相信政府,”上个月的一天晚上,66岁的卢茂对着麦克风,向台下的外国观众们用英语大叫道。“那些狐朋狗友喜欢免费拿东西,就像杰西·詹姆斯(Jesse James),这是顺手牵羊。”

Though his attire is modesta traditional wraparound skirt known as a longyi under a red T-shirt emblazoned withThe Moustache Brothers,” the name of his comedy troupeMr. Lu Maw delivers jokes that are a dark and bold reminder of what life was like under decades of oppressive military rule in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.

卢茂穿着名叫“罗衣”的传统包裹式服装,外面套着有“胡子兄弟”(The Moustache Brothers)图案的红色T恤——这是他所在的喜剧团体的名字。尽管衣着普通,卢茂的笑话黑暗而大胆,让人想起几十年来缅甸在军政府压迫下的生活,

The group, which has been performing for more than three decades, is renowned in the country for a political satire that can carry a prison sentence if performed in a public venue in Burmese. Since 2001, the troupes members have shared their popular comedy act from their garage seven nights a week for gatherings of as many as 40 foreigners, who pay the equivalent of $10 each.


It was jokes like the five-finger-discount one that landed two of the three founding performers, U Par Par Lay and his cousin U Lu Zaw, in a hard-labor prison camp for five years in the late 1990s. And the performances have continued even after the death of Mr. Par Par Lay, who was Mr. Lu Maws brother and the groups leader, two years ago.

“胡子兄弟”的三位创始成员中,巴巴列(U Par Par Lay)和堂弟卢造(U Lu Zaw) 曾在90年代蹲过五年劳改监狱,就是因为“顺手牵羊”这样的笑话。巴巴列是卢茂的哥哥,也曾是“胡子兄弟”的领队,于两年前去世,在那之后,表演仍在继续。

It was not until 2011 that the military regime, which had jailed an estimated 2,000 political prisoners, was succeeded by a quasi-civilian government determined to open the country. Many of those prisoners have since been released, though as of last month, 169 political prisoners remained incarcerated, with 446 activists awaiting trial, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a human rights group in Thailand.

缅甸军政府关押了大约2000名政治犯,直到2011年,这个政权才被决心打开国门的准平民政府所取代。其后很多政治犯都得到释放,但是根据泰国人权组织援助政治犯协会(Assistance Association for Political Prisoners)统计,截止到上个月,仍然有169名政治犯被关押,446名活动分子在候审之中。

Mr. Par Par Lay was himself a pro-democracy activist and avid supporter of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, now the countrys opposition leader, and took part in the violent nationwide democratic 1988 uprising before dying in August 2013, at the age of 67. His cause of death was never verified, but Mr. Lu Maw blames a kidney infection caused by years of drinking contaminated water at two prison camps in northern Myanmar.


‘‘My own brother passed away from a government killing, but not only my brotherover 2,000 people died,’’ he said, referring to Myanmars population of prisoners, which ran into the tens of thousands. Many of them died from prison-related injuries or illnesses. Myanmars poor treatment of its political prisoners has for decades drawn sharp criticism from human rights groups and the international community.


When the trio began performing more than three decades ago, comedy troupes like theirs were a regular fixture at celebrations and public events throughout Myanmar. More than 40 touring troupes from Mandalay each employed a mix of apolitical slapstick comedy and traditional dance together known as a-nyeint pwe.

“胡子兄弟”三人的表演始于30多年前,当时类似的喜剧团体遍布缅甸全境,是庆典和公众活动中不可缺少的一景。在曼德勒,就有40多个巡回演出团体,把无关政治的喜剧性闹剧和名叫“阿迎戏”(a-nyeint pwe)的传统舞蹈结合起来。

The field of troupes became so oversaturated, however, that Mr. Par Par Lay and Mr. Lu Maw grew mustaches to differentiate themselves and then sought to push the boundaries of a-nyeint pwe even further. During an event in 1996 at the house of Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi for Independence Day, the pair introduced a far riskier brand of political satire to more than 1,000 of her supporters, poking fun at the junta.


‘‘They confirmed the disdain of great parts of the population for the generals and their methods of ruling,’’ said Franz-Xaver Augustin, the Yangon director of the Goethe-Institut, the German cultural center.

“他们的表演证明,大多数缅甸人对将军们和他们的统治方式心怀鄙视,”德国文化中心歌德学院仰光分院长弗朗兹·哈维·奥古斯汀(Franz-Xaver Augustin)说。

At the show last month, Mr. Lu Maw repeated the brand of humor showcased at the 1996 performance.


‘‘We dont have medicine and education here,’’ he told the crowd. ‘‘Everybody starving except for the government. They love to take things. So when you are in Burma, please dont stealthe government doesnt like the competition. ’’


Mr. Lu Zaw, now 64, said that after the 1996 event, later that evening, the military police arrested him and Mr. Par Par Lay.


‘‘I was here in the house when it happened,’’ he said. ‘‘K.G.B. came knocking on the door that night and saidfollow me,’ ’’ Mr. Lu Zaw said in a jocular tone.


They were sentenced to seven years of hard labor for their act, and the Moustache Brothers were forbidden to perform publicly in Myanmar.


Of his time in the labor camp, Mr. Lu Zaw said, ‘‘At nighttime we were all scabby from working, but every day before bed the other inmates asked us to perform for them and show them what we told Suu Kyi.’’


When Mr. Lu Zaw and Mr. Par Par Lay were arrested, the Moustache Brothers were so well known as advocates of free speech that their detention provoked an international outcry from rights groups and American entertainers like Bill Maher and Rob Reiner as well as a petition by the cosmetics retailer Body Shop that produced three million signatures.

卢造和巴巴列被捕后,“胡子兄弟”成了广为人知的言论自由倡导者。这一事件激发了全球的强烈抗议,从人权组织到比尔·马赫(Bill Maher)和罗伯·莱纳(Rob Reiner)等美国娱乐界人士;化妆品牌美体小铺(Body Shop)为此组织了请愿,征集到300万个签名。

Partly as a result of those efforts, the sentence was commuted to five years and seven months, and in July 2001 the two rejoined Mr. Lu Maw and began performing every night from their home to skirt the ban on performing for the general public.


Without a change at the helm of government, the risks were high. Still, they refused to back down. Even though police officers were stationed outside the house, ‘‘the tourists and journalists continued coming,’’ Mr. Lu Zaw said, explaining that the presence of a foreign audience probably prevents the authorities from cracking down again. The police are no longer deployed there.


Now, on the second anniversary since the death of Mr. Par Par Lay, the troupe is made up of the two surviving members, their wives and five other relatives. Their determination to continue defying the government, they said, is in part a tribute to their lost brother, and today they perform an updated version of the very jokes that Mr. Par Par Lay created and still play well in a country where the military remains in control.


‘‘Before shows, I am very sad in my heart,’’ Mr. Lu Zaw said before the June performance. ‘‘When I start to perform though, I have to change my face. Now, I talk about my brothers story and I have to put on a smile. I have to be strong.’’


Most other comedy troupes in Myanmar have long since disbanded as performers struggle to make a living. Today, fewer than five remain, Mr. Lu Maw said.


‘‘The tourists demand us, so we cannot stop,’’ he said. ‘‘My life depends on them and thats why I cannot leave them.’’


Mr. Lu Zaw and Mr. Lu Maw consider their work a calling and plan to continue it for the rest of their lives, or at least as long as they can keep performing.


‘‘I think I have 10 or 15 years more in me,’’ Mr. Lu Maw said, his arm wrapped around his cousin. He added, joking, ‘‘For him, I dont know, maybe only five.’’


重点单词   查看全部解释    
petition [pi'tiʃən]


n. 祈求,请愿书,诉状
vi. 请愿,祈求<

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

trio ['tri:əu]


n. 三个一组,三重唱(奏)

troupe [tru:p]


n. (演出的)一团,一班 vi. 巡回演出

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

kidney ['kidni]


n. 肾,腰子,类型

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队





