Southeast University (SEU)is one of the national key universities administered directly under the Ministry of Education. It is alsoone of the first universities accredited by the State Council to determine and approve the qualifications of professors,associate professors and doctored supervisors. It is also one of the universities of“Project 211”and "985 Program" that is financed by the central government to build as a world-class university.

SEU is located in the historical and cultural city of Nanjing,covering a total area of 427 hectares,with a built-up area of 886 000 square meters. The main campuses of the SEU consist of Sipailou Campus and Jiulong Lake Campus.
学校坐落在历史文化名城南京,占地面积427公顷,建筑面积88. 6万平方米,有四牌楼、九龙湖等主校区。
Now, Southeast University has become a comprehensive university of high reputation comprised of various departments of science,engineering,medicine,humanities,management,arts,with engineering as its focus.The university boasts over 40 schools or departments with 61 undergraduate disciplines in all. 11 also has 206 Master programs,93 PHU programs in the second level,16 PHD programs in the first level,15 post-doctoral stations,10 state key disciplines,6 state key discipline cultivation programs,16 provincial key disciplines,3 state key laboratories,1 state subject laboratory,2 state research centers of science and technology,6 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education,and 1 engineering research tenter of the Ministry of Education.

The total number of faculty and staff is more than 6 000,including more than 1 500 full or associate professors,over 300 doctoral supervisors,8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Academy of Engineering,9 members of the Subject Assessment Division,Degree Appraisal Committee of the State Council,21 specially-invited professors and lecture professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program",17 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Foundation,14 nationally accredited young and middle-age experts with outstanding contributions,7 teachers selected by national“Millions of Talents program",13 recipients of Cross Century Talents Foundation under the Ministry of Education,and 71 members of "333 Program" of Jiangsu Province.
学校现有教职员工6 000多人,其中正、副教授1 S00多人,博士生导师300多人,两院院士8人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员9人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、讲座教授21人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者17人,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家14人,国家“百千万人才工程”培养对象7人,教育部跨世纪优秀人才13人,江苏省“333工程”培养对象71人。
SEU has a total enrollment of over 26 000,including more than 9 000 candidates for doctorate or master's degrees. In addition,the number of non-degree graduates reaches to 3 000
学校共有全日制在校生26 000多人,其中研究生9 000多人。另有非学历教育研究生近3 000人。
Southeast University was traditionally at the head of the universities in Southeast China. Now, all its faculty and staff members are making concerted efforts to build it into a world-class university through integration,innovation,unity and diligence.
1902 Sanjiang Normal College,the predecessor of Southeast University,was founded
1928 Sanjiang Normal College was renamed National Central University.
1952 Nanjing Institute of Technology was established on the original site of National Central University.
1988 The university was renamed Southeast University.
2000 Nanjing RailwayMedical College,Nanjing College of Communications and Nanjing Geological School merged into the university.