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Comic books like Watchmen and Kick-Ass ask: What would happen if superheroes existed in the real world? Watchmen suggested we'd get sociopaths. Kick-Ass said they'd be weirdos who walk the line between neighborhood watch and vigilante. In reality, some people do dress up and patrol streets, occasionally fighting crime. But is it possible for an actual comic book hero to exist in real life?

Here are 10 comic book heroes that could exist now, or sometime in the future.




Cyclops, one of the leaders of the X-Men, shoots a powerful beam of energy from his eyes. This sounds like pure science fiction. However, a pair of physicists at Massachusetts General Hospital have altered human cells so they can emit light of their own.

激光眼是X战警的领导之一。他能够从眼中发射出强大的能量光线,这听起来简直就是科幻小说。然而,麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)的研究人员已经成功改变了人的体细胞,使它们能够自身发光。
The team altered human kidney cells to produce the green fluorescent protein that makes jellyfish glow. The illuminated cells are easier to track, which has implications for cancer treatment.
The researchers said that this could lead to people shooting beams out of their eyes. Sadly, it would probably be more like a flashlight than a death ray.

9.Swamp Thing



Alec Holland was a scientist secretly working in the marshes when a bomb in his lab detonated. Instead of killing him, the blast turned him into Swamp Thinga half-plant, half-man hybrid. He has super strength and the ability to communicate with plants. While communicating with vegetation and getting super strength from plants may not be possible, one thing that is theoretically possible is having a human-plant hybridspecifically, humans getting energy from the Sun via photosynthesis.

艾力克·霍兰(Alec Holland)本是一名在沼泽地工作的秘密组织的科学家。他的实验室发生的爆炸非但没有使他丧命,反而把他变成了沼泽怪,一种半人半植物的杂交生物体。他有很强大的力量而且还能和植物交流。尽管与植物交流还能从植物中获得能量是不太可能的,但是成为半人半植物的杂交生物在理论上却是有可能的。因为,确切地说,人类也是通过植物的光合作用从太阳中获得能量的。
Most animals, including humans, do not use photosynthesis to get energy. However, scientists have recently discovered a small group of animals that do. Such animals include the pea aphid and the oriental hornet. The only vertebrate to use photosynthesis is the spotted salamander.
大多数动物,包括人类,并不能进行光合作用。但是,科学家最近发现有些极少数的动物也能进行光合作用,比如豌豆蚜(pea aphid)和东方胡蜂(the oriental hornet)。而唯一能进行光合作用的脊椎动物只有斑点钝口螈(the spotted salamander)。
In 2011, a synthetic biologist from the University of California injected the embryos of zebra fish with photosynthetic bacteria. Though the fish didn't start photosynthesizing, they accepted the bacteria as the animal developed. This gives hope to other organisms, even humans, perhaps one day accepting such bacteria and using them.
2011年,一位加州大学(the University of California)的合成生物学家成功将光合细菌注射到斑马鱼的胚胎中。尽管斑马鱼并没有进行光合作用,但它们却能和这些光合细菌和谐共生。这给其他生物包括人类提供了可能,也许有一天我们能和它们共生并从它们体内获得能量。
However, humans would still need leaves or some similar organ to maximize how much energy they get from the Sun. To absorb solar energy, whether as a plant or using solar panels, you need a large, flat surface. Humans simply aren't shaped that way. So while it is theoretically possible to become more plant-like, it would be a terrible superpower to have.

8.Captain America



When World War II broke out, Steve Rogers wanted to fight the Nazis. He was a small, weak man, but he had a big heart. So he was chosen for the Super Solider project and was injected with a serum, making him into the strong and powerful Captain America.

当二战爆发时,拥有雄心壮志的史蒂夫·罗杰斯(Steve Rogers)本想参军打击纳粹。但是他身体很瘦弱,在参加体检时不幸被拒绝了。后来他被选中参加了"超级士兵"(Super Solider)计划,在注射了血清后成为了坚强而有力量的美国队长。
It's not actually possible to grow taller through drugs as Steve Rogers did. Bones simply cannot grow like that. However, it is possible to become taller through painful surgery. Doctors break the bones and implant telescoping rods that stretch the bones apart at the rate of 1 millimeter (0.04 in) per day. One man managed to grow 15 centimeters (6 in) after two surgeries.
Besides growing taller, Rogers also got much stronger from just one injection, which is possible. A team at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio developed a shot that will increase muscle mass with a single injection. The shot uses a virus that codes the protein follistatin, which suppresses a gene called myostatin that stops muscle growth. The project's lead researcher calls myostatin "brakes" and says the virus he created would simply let up on the brakes.
除了长高外,罗杰斯也通过注射血清变得更加强壮,这也是有可能的。俄亥俄州全国儿童医院(Nationwide Children's Hospital)的研究机构研发出一种通过一次注射就能增加肌肉组织的药物。该药物含有一种病毒,它能够解码人体中抑制肌肉生长的基因(肌肉生长抑制素)。该机构负责人把这种肌肉生长抑制素称作"制动器"(brakes),他还表示它们制造的这种病毒能够阻止其对肌肉生长的抑制。
The shot is for patients who suffer from muscular diseases. Growth does not happen exactly the way it does in the comic, in a matter of moments. Instead, these muscles grow for six months. While this particular shot does not allow for super soldiers in the immediate future, it does show that muscle growth from one injection is a real thing.

翻译:ZC 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
swamp [swɔmp]


n. 沼泽,湿地
v. 淹没,陷于沼泽

implant [im'plɑ:nt]


v. 深植,灌输,嵌入,移植
n. 移植物,植

absorb [əb'sɔ:b]


vt. 吸纳,吸引 ... 的注意,吞并

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

protein ['prəuti:n]


n. 蛋白质

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

vertebrate ['və:tibreit]


adj. 脊椎的,脊椎动物的 n. 脊椎动物

synthetic [sin'θetik]


adj. 综合的,合成的,人造的
n. 人工制

maximize ['mæksimaiz]


v. 取 ... 最大值,最佳化,对 ... 极为重视

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模





