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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第37章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 37第37章
For a total of three days and nights the giant silver robot stood in stunned amazement straddling the remains of Knightsbridge, swaying slightly and trying to work out a number of things.整整三天三夜,那个巨大的银色机器人都吃惊地跨立在骑士桥的废墟上,轻轻地来回摇晃着试图弄明白一些事情。
Government deputations came to see it, ranting journalists by the truckload asked each other questions on the air about what they thought of it, flights of fighter bombers tried pathetically to attack it but no lizards appeared. It scanned the horizon slowly.政府代表过来见了它,口沫纷飞的记者在采访车上通过电波互相询问对它的看法,轰炸机跑来对它作了一些柔弱的进攻——但是没有蜥蜴出现。它慢慢地在视野中扫描。
At night it was at its most spectacular, floodlit by the teams of television crews who covered it continuously as it continuously did nothing.晚上是它最壮观的时候,电视台的强力光柱一直笼罩着它,而它一直什么都没做。
It thought and thought and eventually reached a conclusion.它想啊想啊最后得出一个结论。
It would have to send out its service robots.它要派出自己的机器仆人。
It should have thought of that before, but it was having a number of problems.他应该早点想到这个的,不过那会儿它还有一些问题。
The tiny flying robots came screeching out of the hatchway one afternoon in a terrifying cloud of metal. They roamed the surrounding terrain, frantically attacking some things and defending others.一天下午,微型的飞行机器人像一片恐怖的金属云一样尖叫着冲出了舱门。他们在周围游荡,疯狂地攻击一些东西,保卫另一些东西。
One of them at last found a pet shop with some lizards, but it instantly defended the pet shop for democracy so savagely that little in the area survived.其中一个终于在一个宠物商店里面找到一些蜥蜴,它立刻开始为了民主而保护这家商店,不过它的保护进行得过于野蛮,那个地方没多少东西活下来。
A turning point came when a crack team of flying screechers discovered the Zoo in Regent’s Park, and most particularly the reptile house.一队这种噼里啪啦作响的飞行的哨子发现了摄政王公园里面的动物园,特别是爬行馆之后,事情出现了转折点。
Learning a little caution from their previous mistakes in the petshop, the flying drills and fretsaws brought some of the larger and fatter iguanas to the giant silver robot, who tried to conduct high-level talks with them.这些飞行的钻头和电锯们从之前宠物店里面的失误中学会了谨慎一点,它们把一些相对比较肥大的美洲蜥蜴带去见那个巨大的银色机器人,于是它试图与跟这些蜥蜴进行高端会谈。
Eventually the robot announced to the world that despite the full, frank and wide-ranging exchange of views the high level talks had broken down, the lizards had been retired, and that it, the robot would take a short holiday somewhere, and for some reason selected Bournemouth.最后机器人宣布,虽然他们全面而坦率的交换了观点,但会谈还是破裂了,蜥蜴们被送回,而机器人自己要找个地方度假,出于某种原因它选择了伯恩茅斯 。
Ford Prefect, watching it on TV, nodded, laughed, and had another beer.正在看电视的福特·长官点了点头,笑了笑,又来了杯啤酒。
Immediate preparations were made for its departure.为它的出发所做的准备工作立刻开始了。

Chapter 37

For a total of three days and nights the giant silver robot stood in stunned amazement straddling the remains of Knightsbridge, swaying slightly and trying to work out a number of things.

Government deputations came to see it, ranting journalists by the truckload asked each other questions on the air about what they thought of it, flights of fighter bombers tried pathetically to attack it but no lizards appeared. It scanned the horizon slowly.

At night it was at its most spectacular, floodlit by the teams of television crews who covered it continuously as it continuously did nothing.

It thought and thought and eventually reached a conclusion.

It would have to send out its service robots.

It should have thought of that before, but it was having a number of problems.

The tiny flying robots came screeching out of the hatchway one afternoon in a terrifying cloud of metal. They roamed the surrounding terrain, frantically attacking some things and defending others.

One of them at last found a pet shop with some lizards, but it instantly defended the pet shop for democracy so savagely that little in the area survived.

A turning point came when a crack team of flying screechers discovered the Zoo in Regents Park, and most particularly the reptile house.

Learning a little caution from their previous mistakes in the petshop, the flying drills and fretsaws brought some of the larger and fatter iguanas to the giant silver robot, who tried to conduct high-level talks with them.

Eventually the robot announced to the world that despite the full, frank and wide-ranging exchange of views the high level talks had broken down, the lizards had been retired, and that it, the robot would take a short holiday somewhere, and for some reason selected Bournemouth.

Ford Prefect, watching it on TV, nodded, laughed, and had another beer.

Immediate preparations were made for its departure.












最后机器人宣布,虽然他们全面而坦率的交换了观点,但会谈还是破裂了,蜥蜴们被送回,而机器人自己要找个地方度假,出于某种原因它选择了伯恩茅斯 。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
immediate [i'mi:djət]


adj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的

announced [ə'naunst]



departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧

terrain ['terein]


n. 地带,地域,地形

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理





