I just awoke from the scariest dream. I was running through the stairwell of a building. I think it was one of the dormitory buildings from my university, but it was different and a little unfamiliar.Someone was chasing me but I didn't know who or why. I just knew that I had done something terribly wrong and someone was trying to kill me in revenge.

At first I just felt anxious, but it turned to pure fear as I tried to get out of the stairwell. All the doors were locked. I ran to the top of the stairs and there were two last doors.
起初只是担心, 后来想跑出楼梯井时已经变成全然的恐惧。每扇门都锁住了,于是我跑到最上面的楼梯,那里还有两扇门。
Somehow I knew that behind one of the doors was something awful and frightening, but I didn't know which one. I trembled and froze on the spot. Then I heard someone coming up the stair closer and closer and I lunged for one of the doors, praying that it wouldn't be locked.
The door opened and I ran through it. All of a sudden, I was falling through the air. My heart jumped and I woke uo i a cold swest. It was only 4 am, but I got up because I was too scared to fall back asleep.
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来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201507/386248.shtml