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7.Tiger Shark

Tiger sharks are carnivorous fish that get their name from the stripes found on their bodies when they are young. Tiger sharks can grow up to 14 feet in length, and the largest tiger shark every recorded weighed 1,400 pounds. They have very sharp teeth and very powerful jaws. Their bite is so powerful that they can crack the shells of turtles, which is a very difficult feat. Tiger sharks, along with great white sharks and bull sharks, are know for attacking humans. However, because tiger sharks aren't very picky about what they eat, they often kill humans while a great white shark would usually just bite and swim away. A tiger shark's stomach contents has revealed stingrays, seals, birds and even old tirestalk about an unrefined palate!


There used to be a myth that these indiscriminate predators could be the cure for cancer. This idea rested on the fact that sharks don't get cancer. In the 1970s, researchers found that cartilage prevented the growth of new vessels in tissue, and these new vessels are one of the key components of cancerous tumors. Because sharks have skeletons made entirely from cartilage, the researchers reasoned that a shark's skeleton would be the best hope for new therapies. This therapy was never proven nor has it been clinically tested in America. But even still, LaneLabs still sells cartilage pills today and the market for shark cartilage was estimated to reach $30 million in 1995. Unfortunately, this has decreased the number of sharks in North America by up to 80 percent, and as it turns out, sharks actually do get cancer.


6.Giant Squid



Giant squids are some of the most mysterious creatures of the sea as well as being the biggest invertebrate on earth. Measuring around 33 feet, the largest giant squid ever found truly was a giant weighing nearly 2,000 pounds and measuring 59 feet in length. Giant squids are elusive in their natural habitats and difficult to study. Most of what we know about them is from deceased squids that have washed up on beaches. It was not until 2004 that the first images of a live giant squid were taken. Giant squids have been found on beaches all over the world but it is still hard to say how far they swim or what their exact habitats are. These humongous squids also have massive eyes because they live so deep in the ocean that they do not see any light. Little is known about the giant squid but it is possible that when given the chance, they will kill and eat small whales, implying that those massive tentacles must be very strong.

The sperm whale is one the greatest predators of the giant squid but with their giant eyes, giant squids have an early warning of the approach of their massive predators.

5.Lion's Mane Jellyfish



One of the only creatures longer than the imagined giant squid is the lion's mane jellyfish, whose tentacles can reach120 feet long. This is longer than the average body of a blue whale! Their bodies are 95 percent water and they have no bones or blood. They don't even have brains. Yet, jellyfish are some of the longest surviving predators swimming in our seas. Jellyfish have been swimming our oceans for about 650 million years, which is before the dinosaurs even stepped onto the Earth. The lion's mane jellyfish will eat fish and even other jellyfish, and they can do this because despite not having brains, they are very powerful swimmers. Their swimming is what allows them to get away from predators and also to hunt and kill their own food. Unlike other sea creatures, jellyfish do not have teeth. They use their tentacles to poison and paralyze their prey before swallowing it whole.


4.Sperm Whales



Sperm whales are not the biggest whale swimming in the ocean, even at a whopping 35 tons, but that does not stop them from being formidably powerful creatures. Sperm whales are the owners of the largest brains of any creature known on Earth. Sperm whales are impressive swimmers who can dive in excess of 3,000 feet below the surface to find food, and because they are mammals, they have to hold their breath for the whole 90 minute return trip! Sperm whales can be found anywhere in the ocean and prefer meals of squid. Sperm whales hunt squid though a method which involves them flipping upside down in order to create a vacuum which can hoover a squid up from up to three feet away. Many squids are easy pickings for the huge whales and their vacuum mouths, but species like the giant squid are just big enough to fight back. There have been several notable occurrences of sperm whales fighting with giant squids, and some sperm whales have even been found with the marks of a squid's suckers on its body, a testament to the strength of the giant squid.

成年体重高达35吨的抹香鲸不是海洋中最大的鲸鱼,但这并不能阻止它们成为强大的生物。 抹香鲸是地球上所有已知生物中头脑最大的生物。抹香鲸的潜水能力极好,可以在3000多英尺深的海域内寻找食物,鉴于哺乳动物的属性,它们必须在90分钟的回程内屏住呼吸,保存体内含氧量!抹香鲸广泛分布于各大海域,喜食乌贼。抹香鲸猎捕乌贼的方法极妙:它们猛然翻滚身体、俯冲而下,利用水流形成真空,靠着这股水压把距离自身2-3英尺的乌贼吸入口中。许多乌贼能轻易发现鲸鱼和它们真空的嘴并适时地进行反击,而抹香鲸似乎也乐在其中。有些抹香鲸身上遗留下的吸盘印迹可以表明,巨型乌贼会与抹香鲸缠斗,且巨型乌贼的战斗力也不容小觑。
The sperm whale may not be the biggest and most powerful mammal in the sea, but it's ancestors were certainly contenders for the title. A fossil of a huge sperm whale was found in the Peruvian desert in 2008. The fossil was namedLeviathan melvillei, after Herman Melville, the author of the ultimate seaman's novel Moby Dick. The whale probably lived around 12 million years ago and is an example of what is probably one of the most powerful predators ever found. It had a skull that was 3 meters long and jaws filled with 36 centimeter teeth., possibly some of the biggest teeth ever found.
抹香鲸也许不是海洋中体型最大的和力量最强的哺乳动物,但它们的祖先可称得上是“海中霸主”。2008年,一块巨型抹香鲸化石在秘鲁(Peruvian)沙漠中被发现。为了纪念最伟大的航海小说——《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)的作者赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville),这块化石被命名为梅尔维尔鲸(Leviathan melvillei)。这条鲸鱼可能生活在12万年前,是迄今发现最强大的食肉动物。它的头盖骨长达3米,下颚嵌36厘米长的牙齿,可能是已发现的最大的牙齿。

校对:庄粉玲 编辑:橘子

重点单词   查看全部解释    
skull [skʌl]


n. 头骨,骷髅头
vt. 击打头部

mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

crack [kræk]


v. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑

skeleton ['skelitn]


n. 骨架,纲要,骨骼,骨瘦如柴的人或动物,家丑

vacuum ['vækjuəm]


n. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器
adj. 真空的

indiscriminate [.indis'kriminit]


adj. 无差别的,不分皂白的,杂陈的

poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,

prey [prei]


n. 被掠食者,牺牲者
vi. 捕食,掠夺,使

tissue ['tiʃu:]


n. (生物的)组织,织物,薄绢,纸巾

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的





