Viewers in the U.S. will be able to watch the episode in select movie theaters。
Showrunner Steven Moffat was met with cheers when he promised Sherlock fans that they would be returning to 221B Baker Street this Christmas and premiered the first footage from the special Victorian episode of the show at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday。
上周四举办的圣迭戈动漫展上,该剧制作人史蒂文·莫法特播放了首段预告片,在该特辑中,卷福和华生将“穿越”回到原作小说中100多年前的维多利亚时代,平行世界的221B 贝克街,此举受到了影迷的热烈欢呼。
The special will play in select movie theaters in the U.S. this December, Moffat revealed。
The self-aware clip—which played after cast members like Benedict Cumberbatch apologized in a video for not being able to make the convention—acknowledged Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman’s long absence from the small screen. (The last episode of season three aired in January 2014.)
Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes quips, “I hardly knew myself [when I would come home], Mrs. Watson. That’s the trouble with dismembered country squires, they are notoriously difficult to schedule。”
卷福俏皮说道:“ 我自己都不知道(我什么时候能回来),哈德森太太。这就是乡绅分尸案的棘手之处,这事儿没法提前预计。”
The trailer earned laughs with its conclusion: “Coming soon…ish。” The episode will also be shown on British television over the Christmas season。
这个预告片在其片尾处收获了影迷们的笑声:“即将上映……(或许吧)” 《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑也将英国本土上映。
Though Sherlock is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories, the first 10 episodes of the show have been set in modern times. The new Christmas episode, however, will take place in the “proper” Victorian era, with a few adjustments—female characters like Mrs. Hudson, for instance, will get more lines (as indicated in the Watson and Mrs. Hudson’s debate over gender politics in the trailer). The creators were so enamored with the new setting. “It’s one of the best ones we’ve made,” Moffat said。
Moffat also remained tight-lipped about other aspects of the show, like whether audiences will see femme fatale Irene Adler — aka “The Woman” — again or whether a third Holmes brother will appear。
He did admit (to the dismay of many fans) that he has not yet started writing season four of the show, which is scheduled to premiere in 2016. But he has sketched out the story that will “suckerpunch you into emotional devastation。” And he said he knows how the series will conclude。