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By keeping interest rates on hold a while longer, the Federal Reserve has given emerging markets, braced for possible capital outflows with rising yields in the US, at least a temporary reprieve. And by not including China in its benchmark indices quite yet, MSCI has indirectly helped support other emerging markets, as fund managers underinvested in Chinese shares would have had to sell down other markets to adjust to new weightings. But there is not much other good news on the horizon.


Today, emerging market central bankers have two contradictory concerns. They fear low rates and the temptation for their borrowers to take on too much debt when it is priced attractively. And they also fear the inevitable end of the low rates that will make the debt burden heavier.

But that is only part of the reason why this particular rainy season the clouds are especially heavy in emerging Asia. Analysts are trying to understand the paradox that while today there seems to be plenty of liquidity in the world, the banks are not channelling that abundant capital to the real economy to support growth.
Part of the reason must be the fact that Asian corporates have borrowed a lot. Private debt in Asia alone amounted to 125 per cent of gross domestic product in the final quarter of 2014, says the BIS, and too much of it was in dollars.
Rate rises, whenever they materialise, will be especially damaging for this large group. The combination of financial and economic stress with more debt and fewer revenues to support borrowings is likely to prove challenging worldwide, but especially for companies in the region.
The macro situation is also sobering. For years, Asia grew on the back of exports to developed markets. It was a formula that worked first for Japan, and then for South Korea and Taiwan. But it does not seem to be working any longer. World trade has been almost flat for the past three years and been slower than (also anaemic) global GDP.
This is something we havent seen in a generation,” notes David Lubin, an economist with Citigroup in London. Trade matters not only because it supports economic growth, but because it cements relations among countries and should reduce geopolitical tensions. It is therefore of double concern that this year the outlook has worsened.
花旗集团(Citigroup)驻伦敦的经济学家戴维•卢宾(David Lubin)指出:“这是我们在一代人时间里都未曾见到过的景象。”贸易之所以重要,不仅在于它支撑经济增长,而且还因为它能够巩固国家间的关系,可以减缓地缘政治紧张局势。所以,今年贸易前景已经恶化这一点令人倍加担心。
Today, emerging economies are losing market share in the developed world as the growth rate in the volume of exports from emerging countries is below the rate of growth of the volume of imports in the developed world. That is true both for commodity exporters (whose year-on-year volumes are turning negative) and manufacturing exporters, says Mr Lubin. Only a few nations, including China and Mexico, have been exceptions to this trend.
So the developed world is not the catalyst for growth that it was for developing nations. Meanwhile, China, whose demand fuelled a rise in income for commodity producers such as Australia and Indonesia and manufacturers outside the mainland that were vital to its own supply chains, is both reducing its demand for goods from beyond its borders and taking market share from others. “China seems to be outcompeting emerging markets in an environment where the overall weakness of world trade growth leaves developing countries badly exposed,” Mr Lubin concludes.
The most optimistic spin to put on all this is that Chinas shift to becoming a more active exporter of capital and a vast offshore investor will inspire growth in a different paradigm. Both at the Boao Forum in March and in Shanghai at last weekends Lujiazui Forum, government officials such as Li Keping of CIC and a big shareholder in the new Silk Road Fund, testified to Chinas determination toplay a bigger role in boosting the world economythrough the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank. “We have the highest savings rate in the world and we should leverage this advantage and export capital,” added Jin Qi, the chairwoman of that fund. Every day it seems a new fund is launched, such as one for central Europe from China Exim Bank.
对这一切所能做的最乐观的解读是:中国朝着成为更加活跃的资本输出国和对外投资大国的方向转变,将以一种不同的范式推动世界经济增长。在3月举行的博鳌论坛,以及上周末上海陆家嘴论坛上,包括中投公司(CIC)总经理李克平在内,一些政府官员表明了中国要通过亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)和新开发银行(New Development Bank),“在提振世界经济方面发挥更大作用”的决心。中投公司是丝路基金(Silk Road Fund)的大股东。丝路基金董事长金琦补充说:“我们有世界最高的储蓄率,我们应该利用这一优势输出资本。”似乎每天都有一只新的基金成立,比如中国进出口银行(China Exim Bank)专注欧洲中部地区的基金。
The world can use Chinas capitaland, by the way, more of it will be in the Chinese currency. But whether even $4tn in mainland reserves is enough to lift the world out of its doldrums is uncertain.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者

abundant [ə'bʌndənt]


adj. 丰富的,充裕的

paradox ['pærədɔks]


n. 悖论,矛盾(者)

doldrums ['dɔldrəmz]


n. 忧郁 Doldrums:赤道维赤道无风带 名词do

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

leverage ['li:vəridʒ]


n. 杠杆(作用,力量),举债经营 v. (使)举债经营

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

inspire [in'spair]


vt. 影响,使 ... 感动,激发,煽动

inevitable [in'evitəbl]


adj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的





