PARIS — Stocks slumped modestly on Monday at the opening on Wall Street, after markets in Asia and Europe were battered by worries that the Greek financial crisis would prove contagious and Chinese investors endured another topsy-turvy session.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 0.67 percent, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 0.65 percent, and the Nasdaq average fell 0.76 percent in early trading in New York.

Asian stock markets slumped on Monday as Greece’s financial difficulties triggered worry about possible broader harm to the global financial system. An interest rate cut by Beijing on Saturday failed to stem the fall in Chinese stock markets beyond the first hour of trading.
The euro also dropped 1.5 cents against the dollar, to a value of $1.1017, as investors worried that Greece’s troubles would have a spillover effect and make European assets less attractive.
Greece has been struggling for a solution to its debt troubles for years. But the speed with which its government called a national referendum and shut its banks appeared to have caught at least some investors off guard. “Most people’s consensus forecast was for them to muddle through with some kind of a deal, so it has taken people a little bit by surprise,” said Kymberly Martin, the senior market strategist at the Bank of New Zealand.
希腊已经被寻找解决债务问题的方案困扰多年。但政府决定举行全民公投和关闭其银行的速度之快让至少一部分投资者措手不及。“大部分人的普遍预测是通过某种协议蒙混过关,所以这让人感到有些惊讶,”新西兰银行(Bank of New Zealand)高级市场策略师金伯利·马丁(Kymberly Martin)称。
The Japanese stock market fell 2.4 percent in midafternoon trade; the Australian market dipped 2.2 percent; and the South Korean market was down 1.3 percent. The price of gold, an asset that tends to become more popular during times of financial or political instability, climbed $12 an ounce, to $1,185.20.
Concerns about Greece more than offset any lift from China’s interest rate cut on Saturday. China’s own stock markets were the worse performers by midday, with share prices tumbling 5.4 percent in Shanghai and 7 percent in Shenzhen, after plunging more than 7 percent on Friday.
The Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong had not climbed nearly as fast as mainland markets over the past year and dropped more gently than the mainland did on Monday, falling 2.7 percent in morning trading.
The People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank, reduced one-year lending and deposit rates by a quarter percentage point, effective on Sunday and also reduced the reserves that some banks are required to hold, allowing them to lend more money.
The central bank had previously refrained from acting so quickly after a market downturn, so its action over the weekend was interpreted as a clear sign that the government was reluctant to see the Chinese stock markets lose their gains after doubling in the past 12 months.
“It marks a slight departure from the previous P.B.O.C. moves, because this time it looks to be directly timed as support for the equity markets,” said Erwin Sanft, the head of China strategy in Hong Kong at Macquarie Capital Securities.
位于香港的麦格理资本证券公司(Macquarie Capital Securities)中国策略部负责人埃尔文·桑弗特(Erwin Sanft)说,“中国人民银行的举动和之前大相径庭,由于这一次的时机看上去更像是支撑股市。”
But while the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets surged at the opening on Monday, they soon reversed course on sustained selling. Heavy investments with borrowed money by individuals, many of them young and with scant experience in bear markets, have propelled the mainland markets to their current heights, and market strategists have been warning for months that if confidence in the markets cracked, the ensuing fall could be swift.
Rajiv Biswas, chief economist for Asia at IHS Global Insight, said that if Greece defaulted and left the euro, the effects on Europe’s economy and on exporters in Asia would depend on whether European leaders could prevent financial troubles from spreading to Spain, Portugal and possibly Italy. If the damage were not contained, economic output in Asia could drop 0.3 percent next year on lower exports to Europe, Mr. Biswas said.
环球通视(IHS Global Insight)首席亚洲经济学家拉吉夫·比斯瓦斯(Rajiv Biswas)称,如果希腊违约并退出欧元区,对于欧洲经济和亚洲出口商的影响将取决于欧洲的领导人们能否阻止财政问题扩散到西班牙、葡萄牙,甚或意大利。如果损害没有得到遏制,亚洲的经济产出将因为对欧盟出口的下滑而降低0.3%,比斯瓦斯说。
But Ms. Martin of the Bank of New Zealand said such calculations were not at the front of investors’ minds. “I think people are still more concerned about the immediate impact, not the longer-term effects on eurozone growth,” she said.