MOSCOW — The Georgian capital, Tbilisi, became the city where the wild things are on Saturday night, with lions, tigers, bears and other carnivorous animals roaming the streets after catastrophic flooding destroyed the enclosures of the main zoo.
Residents were warned to stay indoors after heavy rains and roiling waters inundated the center of the city. At least three zoo workers were dead, according to local press reports, which quoted the mayor, Davit Narmania, as saying that at least eight people had been killed and that search and rescue operations were continuing for about 10 more missing.
在暴雨后,洪水淹没了市中心,居民被告诫不要出门。据当地的新闻报道透露,至少有三名动物园的工作人员死亡。该报道援引第比利斯市长达维特·纳玛尼亚(Davit Narmania)报道称,至少有八人死亡,10多人失踪,而搜救工作还在继续进行中。
It was not immediately clear how many animals were on the loose and how many had been killed in the floods.
Images from the city underscored the animal anarchy — one showed a group of people herding a hippopotamus along a street choked with mud, after it had been hit by a tranquilizer dart. Others showed the corpses of animals amid the debris of wrecked cars and buildings.
A special police unit was dispatched to the neighborhoods around the zoo to hunt for the roaming animals, according to Rustavi 2 television.
据鲁斯塔维电视2台(Rustavi 2 Television)报道,一只特警部队被派往动物园附近的地区,搜捕四处游荡的动物。
Some of the animals were killed when they could not be captured, the report said, including six wolves found on the grounds of a children’s hospital as well as a bear and a hyena. Some residents expressed indignation at those killings, but officials said various animals were too aggressive to be captured.
Helicopters were swooping low over the city to try to spot the animals. Those missing after the flood included 20 wolves, eight lions, and several tigers and jaguars, Interfax reported. Only three of 17 penguins survived, the Russian news agency said.
直升飞机在城市上空低空盘旋,试图找出动物。据国际文传电讯社(Interefax News Agency)报道,洪水发生后,大批动物失踪,其中包括20匹狼,八头狮子,数头老虎和美洲豹。据该俄罗斯新闻通讯社透露,17只企鹅中,只有三只幸存。
One zoo worker who died while trying to save the animals, Guliko Chitadze, a 25-year veteran of the Tbilisi Zoo, had her arm amputated in late May after she was attacked by a tiger, Interfax said.
一名动物园工作人员在试图解救动物时丧命。古莉科· 赤塔泽(Guliko Chitadze)是第比利斯动物园的资深工作人员,已在那里工作了25年。据国际文传电讯社透露,她在5月末因为被一只老虎袭击而截去了一只手臂。