I had so much fun at the St.patrichk's Day celebration last night! Anna came and picked me up little after 8 o'clock and we got to Paddy'spub just as the festivities were kicking into high gear. The place was packed and everyone was drinking green beer and dancing.
I saw so many people I know and everyone was in great spirits. Anna and I had planned to be home before midnight but we were both having so much fun we lost track of time. I didn't get home until after 1:30 am.
I was so hung over this morning. I groanned when my alarm went off and buried my head under the pillow to try to make my headache go away. I finally dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
I had a refreshing shower and once the caffeine kicked in, I felt much better. Still,it was a rough day and I am glad the week is almost over. I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately.