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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第22章2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
He stroked it, ran his fingers round her ankle, under her toes, along her instep, could find nothing wrong with it.他抚摸着它,将手指绕过脚踝,钻过脚趾,经过脚背,什么问题都没发现。
She watched him with great amusement, laughed and shook her head.她极为开心地望着他,一边大笑一边摇头。
No, don’t stop, she said, but it’s not that one now.“不,别停啊,”她说,“但现在又不是这只脚了。”
Arthur stopped, and frowned at her left foot on the floor.阿瑟停下来,皱着眉头瞅着她放在地上的左脚。
Don’t stop.“别停。”
He stroked her right foot, ran his fingers around her ankle, under her toes, along her instep and said:他抚摸着她的右脚,将手指绕过脚踝,钻过脚趾,经过脚背,然后说:“你是指我正抱着的腿有什么问题么......?”
You mean it’s something to do with which leg I’m holding?…她又耸了耸肩,这足以给史奎若谢络丝贝塔星上简单的垫子生命体带来莫大的愉悦。
She did another of the shrugs which would have brought such joy into the life of a simple cushion from Squornshellous Beta.他皱着眉。
He frowned.“把我抱起来。”她轻轻地说。
Pick me up, she said quietly.他放下她的右脚然后站了起来。她也一样。
He let her right foot down to the floor and stood up. So did she. He picked her up in his arms and they kissed again. This went on for a while, then she said: Now put me down again.他用胳膊把她抱起来然后再一次拥吻。这持续了一段时间,接着她说:“现在再把我放下去。”
Still puzzled, he did so.他仍然很迷惑地照做了。
She looked at him almost challengingly.她几乎是用挑逗的眼神望着他。
So what’s wrong with my feet? she said.“那么我的脚有什么问题?”她说。
Arthur still did not understand. He sat on the floor, then got down on his hands and knees to look at her feet, in situ, as it were, in their normal habitat. And as he looked closely, something odd struck him. He pit his head right down to the ground and peered. There was a long pause. He sat back heavily.阿瑟依然搞不懂。他坐在地上,用手和膝盖撑着地去检查她的脚,那脚摆在原地,就像原来一样,在它正常的生态环境中。然而他进一步地观察,某种诡异的东西震惊了他。他把头垂到地面上凝视着。经过了一段长时间的停顿。他重重地坐了回去。
Yes, he said, I see what’s wrong with your feet. They don’t touch the ground.“是的,”他说,“我看到你脚的问题了。它们碰不到地面。”
So… so what do you think?…“那么......那么你怎么看......?”
Arthur looked up at her quickly and saw the deep apprehension making her eyes suddenly dark. She bit her lip and was trembling. What do… she stammered. Are you?… She shook the hair forwards over her eyes that were filling with dark fearful tears.阿瑟抬起头飞快地看了她一眼,看到深深的忧郁让她的双眼突然暗淡下来。她咬着嘴唇,不停的颤抖。“你怎么......”她结结巴巴的。“你是否......?”她把头发甩到眼前,眼中充盈着阴暗恐惧的泪水。
He stood up quickly, put his arms around her and gave her a single kiss.他迅速站了起来,抱住她然后给了一个吻。
Perhaps you can do what I can do, he said, and walked straight out of her upstairs front door.“也许你可以做我能做的。”他说着,然后直接走出她楼上的前门。
The record got to the good bit.唱片正放到最棒的部分。

He stroked it, ran his fingers round her ankle, under her toes, along her instep, could find nothing wrong with it.
She watched him with great amusement, laughed and shook her head.
No, dont stop, she said, but its not that one now.
Arthur stopped, and frowned at her left foot on the floor.
Dont stop.
He stroked her right foot, ran his fingers around her ankle, under her toes, along her instep and said:
You mean its something to do with which leg Im holding?…
She did another of the shrugs which would have brought such joy into the life of a simple cushion from Squornshellous Beta.
He frowned.
Pick me up, she said quietly.
He let her right foot down to the floor and stood up. So did she. He picked her up in his arms and they kissed again. This went on for a while, then she said: Now put me down again.
Still puzzled, he did so.
She looked at him almost challengingly.
So whats wrong with my feet? she said.
Arthur still did not understand. He sat on the floor, then got down on his hands and knees to look at her feet, in situ, as it were, in their normal habitat. And as he looked closely, something odd struck him. He pit his head right down to the ground and peered. There was a long pause. He sat back heavily.
Yes, he said, I see whats wrong with your feet. They dont touch the ground.
Soso what do you think?…
Arthur looked up at her quickly and saw the deep apprehension making her eyes suddenly dark. She bit her lip and was trembling. What doshe stammered. Are you?… She shook the hair forwards over her eyes that were filling with dark fearful tears.
He stood up quickly, put his arms around her and gave her a single kiss.
Perhaps you can do what I can do, he said, and walked straight out of her upstairs front door.
The record got to the good bit.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
apprehension [.æpri'henʃən]


n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕,了解

amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]


n. 娱乐,消遣

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

habitat ['hæbitæt]


n. (动植物的)产地,栖息地



adj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的





