Politicians to vote on proposal to let retailers accept only card or smartphone payments from 2016
Cash machines in Copenhagen. Danes haven't needed to carry cash or even bankcards since payment via smartphone was introduced two years ago.

In Stockholm you can pay a street hawker with a credit card. In Copenhagen you can buy a single shot espresso with your smartphone. In Helsinki, you can go grocery shopping but leave your wallet at home.
Scandinavia has long been the most cashless place on the planet. Now Denmark is considering whether to o a step further and allow retailers to ban cash altogether.
The Danish Chamber of Commerce is recommending that shops and services be given the option of going completely cash-free. The proposal needs to be approved by parliament but if it gets the green light, retailers could begin rejecting cash from January 2016.
"We've recognised what merchants have been telling us for some time now," says Sofie Findling Andersen f the chamber of commerce. "Using cash is expensive, because it takes time for salaried employees to ham le, and it's also a security concern. Carrying cash opens you up to attack and even though we have relati vely low levels of violent crime in Denmark, this is something business owners and employees tell us they worry about."
There has been little resistance to the proposal from Danish media, consumers or businesses so far, with the country's largest supermarket group, Dansk Supermarked, working on a system for cash-free grocery i opping with the mobile money transfer system MobilePay in the near future.
到目前为止该议案几乎还未受到来自丹麦媒体消费者或企业的阻力,该国最大的超市集团,Dansk Supermarkedjm,正致力于在不久的将来,建立一个带有移动转账业务的杂货店购物免用现金系统。
"Customers will be able to swipe their smartphone; scan their food; tap ‘accept' when they're done and then just leave," says Mark Wraa-Hansen from Danske Bank, which runs MobilePay.
"顾客可以刷他们的智能手机;扫描他们的食物;都弄好之后点一下‘接受',然后就可以离开了,"运营着移动支付的丹麦银行的Mark Wraa-Hansen说道。