BOSTON — Fifteen Chinese nationals have been accused of cheating the college entrance examination system with a scheme that involved fake passports and test-taking impostors, according to a federal indictment unsealed on Thursday.
The 35-count indictment, which was returned on May 21 in the Western District of Pennsylvania, sketches out a complex scheme in which certain individuals are accused of paying impostors using fake Chinese passports to take college entrance exams, mostly at testing sites in the Pittsburgh area, including the SAT and the Test of English as a Foreign Language, or Toefl, in the hope of using them to gain admission to American colleges.
宾夕法尼亚州西区联邦检察官5月21日提出的35项指控描述了一个复杂的计划,涉案的某些人员被控花钱雇佣他人在大学入学考试中替考,希望通过这些成绩取得美国大学的入学资格。替考者持伪造的中国护照,参加学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test,简称SAT)、“托福”英语考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language,简称Toefl)等大学入学考试,这种情况主要发生在匹兹堡地区的考场。
David J. Hickton, the United States attorney for the District of Western Pennsylvania, said some of the defendants were admitted to universities around the country, which would have helped them qualify for student visas necessary for entrance into the country. “If they are in fact not supposed to be students of the American college because their admission was fraudulently obtained, then their visa has been fraudulently obtained as well,” Mr. Hickton said in an interview.
宾夕法尼亚州西区的联邦检察官戴维·希克顿(David Hickton)称,有些被告人已被全国各地的大学录取,于是他们有了获得进入美国所需要的学生签证的资格。希克顿在采访中表示,“如果说他们通过欺骗手段而被学校录取,那么实际上,他们本不应该成为美国大学的学生,所以他们的签证也是通过欺骗手段获得的。”
The people charged paid nearly $6,000 in some cases, the indictment said.
The charges include conspiracy, counterfeiting foreign passports, wire fraud and mail fraud.
Only 12 of the accused were named. Ten reside in the United States and two in China. Mr. Hickton said he hoped that Chinese officials would cooperate with his office.