Within the past few years, a number of US actors and actresses have migrated their talents from the big screen onto television sets, with the result being shows that frequently deliver a higher caliber of entertainment. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson shine in True Detective, Kevin Spacey channels Sun Tzu in House of Cards, and Glenn Close redefined the meaning of “shrewd” in Damages. Terrence Howard (Hustle & Flow, Iron Man, Crash) is the latest star to pursue success on the small screen, and with Empire, he accomplishes this transition with ease.
Howard plays Lucious Lyon, the ailing head of a wildly successful record label whose criminal past haunts his present. With death looming heavy over his head, Lucious must decide which of his three princeling sons will assume his place on the throne. But the decision becomes more complicated once Lucious’ scheming ex-wife and business partner (Taraji P. Henson) is released from prison.
霍华德在剧中饰演的卢修斯•里昂是一家唱片巨头的大老板,但他身患重病、饱受过去罪行的困扰。当死亡离他越来越近,卢修斯不得不在他三个年幼的儿子中选出一个人,继承他的“帝位”。卢修斯诡计多端的前妻也是他曾经的合伙人(塔拉吉•P•汉森 饰)却在此时刑满出狱,使情况变得更加错综复杂……
Empire’s already potent dose of melodrama is strengthened by stellar performances from both Howard and Henson. Cookie, Henson’s character, steals each and every scene that she’s in, and Howard gives a strong performance as a cutthroat, calculating and intensely homophobic record executive. Henson and Howard’s characters play off of each other fluidly, with each bringing out both the best and the worst in each other.
In addition to holding its own as a drama, Empire’s musical elements also manage to impress. Two of Lucious’ sons are gifted with creative talent, one as a singer and the other as a hip hop artist. Whoever writes the lyrics for the two’s performances deserves tremendous credit. Choosing to include musical performances in a show is a risky move, as there’s always the danger that the songwriting will come across as cheesy. With Empire, the songs are convincing, so much so that they sound much like anything that might be played on the average US radio station.
Created by six-time Oscar nominated producer, director and actor Lee Daniels (Precious, Monster’s Ball), it’s no wonder Empire is so entertaining. The show blends drama and music together to create a genuinely original and compelling tale of familial conflict.