SAN FRANCISCO — The esteemed venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, its star partner, John Doerr, once said, “is a family, with occasional disputes.”
旧金山——受人尊敬的风险投资公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)的明星合伙人约翰·多尔(John Doerr)曾说,该公司“是一个偶尔会发生争论的家庭”。
Maybe, if by “family” you mean one of those clans where everyone is fighting for power and wealth. In Superior Court here, the case of Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins is beginning to look at little like “King Lear,” or at least “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”
或许吧,如果这里的“家庭”指的是人人都在争权夺利的那种大家族的话。在这里的最高法院,鲍康如诉凯鹏华盈(Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins)一案现在开始有点像《李尔王》(King Lear),或者至少是《与卡戴珊姐妹同行》(Keeping Up with the Kardashians)了。

For two weeks a former Kleiner junior partner, Ellen Pao, presented her evidence that she suffered from gender discrimination. Along the way, she portrayed the firm as a place riven by sexism and unseemly striving, and that heedlessly employed and encouraged an unsavory cad whom she had the misfortune to briefly date.
Now Kleiner’s lawyers have for the first time the opportunity to defend the beleaguered firm in a sustained way, and on Tuesday and Wednesday they made the most of it. They depicted Ms. Pao, 45, as combative and full of resentment, the kind of co-worker who begrudges a colleague for tending to his dying mother.
In this telling, Ms. Pao is less a victim of discrimination than a difficult and conniving employee who rejected advice to improve, and whom Kleiner clearly wishes it had tossed overboard sooner.
Ms. Pao is being cross-examined by Lynne C. Hermle, a partner in the Silicon Valley firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. Ms. Hermle is well known in Bay Area legal circles for her success in defending companies from discrimination and retaliation claims. Part of her lore is that an opposing lawyer vomited repeatedly as motions persistently went Ms. Hermle’s way.
鲍康如正在接受奥睿律师事务所(Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe)硅谷分公司合伙人琳内·C·赫尔姆勒(Lynne C. Hermle)的质证。赫尔姆勒在旧金山湾区的法律界很有名,因为她成功地帮多家公司摆脱了歧视和报复索赔。关于她的其中一个传说是,因为动议持续朝有利于赫尔姆勒的方向发展,对方律师多次呕吐。
Ms. Hermle’s cross-examination was lengthy, patient and relentless, seeking to undermine Ms. Pao’s case in all sorts of ways. It called her cold, territorial, untrustworthy, entitled and either passive-aggressive to colleagues or maybe just aggressive — the sort of person who an office that depends on relationships would be crazy to promote to a senior role.
Ms. Hermle said Ms. Pao had trouble with many others in the office. “You developed a very negative relationship with her,” the lawyer said, referring to a secretary. About another colleague, “Isn’t it true you called her a major problem?”
“I may have,” Ms. Pao conceded.
Another email from a senior partner to Ms. Pao said: “You seem angry and the affair has become personalized. This is always the kiss of death.”
Yet another email thread was shown where Ms. Pao complained to a senior Kleiner partner, Matt Murphy, saying that “I should have been informed of and probably invited to Friday’s meeting. It’s not only polite, it creates a better process.”
在展示的另一个电邮链中,鲍康如向凯鹏华盈的高级合伙人马特·墨菲(Matt Murphy)抱怨说,“理应告知我,可能还应该邀请我参加周五的会议。这么做不仅礼貌,还会带来一个更好的过程”。
Mr. Murphy responded: “Seems like you are telling me what I need to do and that is not resonating with me.” He suggested talking in person, but Ms. Pao kept up the email barrage.
Nor did Ms. Pao seem much interested in the cause of women in Silicon Valley. “Did you ever recruit a woman to a Kleiner portfolio company’s board?” Ms. Hermle asked.
“I don’t believe so,” she replied. (She did however say at another point she brought in four female executives to help run companies.)
In better times, Kleiner paid for a speech coach for Ms. Pao in an effort to help her “own the room,” something the firm viewed as a priority. That paid off for her at the trial, particularly earlier in the week when she was being questioned by her own lawyer. She spoke clearly and loudly, and smiled frequently.
Under Ms. Hermle’s assault, the smiles largely disappeared and the responses became more clipped. Her memory grew more faint.
Ms. Pao is asking as much as $16 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages. She wanted $10 million to leave quietly at the end of 2011, testimony this week revealed.
Ms. Pao’s husband, Alphonse Fletcher Jr., whom she met, married and had a child with during the years covered by the trial, is a Wall Street financier whose hedge fund is bankrupt and has been accused of fraud. The judge in the case, Harold Kahn, has refused to allow discussion of Ms. Pao’s financial motives in filing suit, but Ms. Hermle asked him on Wednesday to reconsider. He will decide by Thursday morning.
鲍康如的丈夫小阿方斯·弗莱彻(Alphonse Fletcher Jr.)是华尔街的一名理财师,他的对冲基金已破产,他本人被指犯有欺诈罪。在庭审审视的那些年里,鲍康如和丈夫相识、结婚,并生了一个孩子。该案的法官哈罗德·卡恩(Harold Kahn)拒绝允许讨论鲍康如提起诉讼的财务动机,但赫尔姆勒周三建议他重做考虑。他将于周四上午做出决定。
The exhibits in the case continue to pile up. Evaluations, self-evaluations, summaries of meetings, messages to colleagues, messages to colleagues about colleagues, messages to friends about colleagues — there seems to be scarcely a word at Kleiner that was not committed to paper.
And the jurors were taking more notes. A painter, a physical therapist, a prison nurse — they all seemed rapt on Wednesday, as they have been all along. What they really think, however, will not be known for some time. The trial has not even reached its halfway point yet, and Kleiner promises many witnesses in its defense.