As the Ellen Pao sex discrimination trial continues to captivate Silicon Valley, the law firm representing Ms. Pao has filed a bias case on behalf of another woman against an even bigger target: Facebook.
就在鲍康如(Ellen Pao)性别歧视案持续在硅谷引发热议的同时,代表她的律师事务所又为另一名女性提交了歧视诉讼状,这次针对的公司规模更大:Facebook。
Chia Hong, who worked for Facebook from 2010 to 2013, said that she faced discrimination, harassment and retaliation — and was eventually fired — because she is a woman and of Taiwanese descent, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in state court in San Mateo County, where the company is based.
本周一,在Facebook总部所在地圣马特奥市的州法院提交的一份诉讼资料显示,洪嘉(Chia Hong,音)2010年至2013年供职于Facebook,她说由于自己是女性,而且有台湾血统,在该公司受到歧视、骚扰和报复,并最终遭到解雇。

Among other specific complaints, Ms. Hong said that she was belittled at work, admonished for taking allowed time off to visit her child at school and ordered to organize parties and serve drinks to male colleagues. She claimed that she was fired from her job as a technology partner in October 2013 despite receiving “satisfactory” performance evaluations and was replaced by a less qualified man.
Ms. Hong’s case was filed by Lawless & Lawless, the same firm that is representing Ms. Pao in her sex discrimination case against Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm.
洪嘉的案件由Lawless& Lawless律所提交;正是这家律所在代表鲍康如与著名的硅谷风险投资公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield& Byers)打性别歧视官司。
The Pao case, which has been closely watched in Silicon Valley, has brought about a broader conversation about the challenges that women face both in venture capital and the broader, male-dominated technology world.
Ms. Hong’s complaint lacks the salacious details and high financial stakes of the Pao case, but it comes as Facebook and other tech companies are struggling to improve the gender and ethnic diversity of their work forces, in which white men dominate the management ranks.
In a report last June, Facebook said that 85 percent of its global work force was male. At the management level, 77 percent were men and 74 percent were white. The company pledged to do better, and its chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, has been a high-profile advocate of women’s empowerment through her “Lean In” book and speeches.
在去年6月的一份报告中,Facebook表示,其全球员工中的85%为男性。管理层77%为男性,74%是白人。该公司承诺将做得更好,其首席运营官谢莉尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)是知名的女性赋权倡导者,著有《向前一步》(Lean In)一书,并发表了很多的相关演讲。
In response to Ms. Hong’s suit, Facebook said in a statement: “We work extremely hard on issues related to diversity, gender and equality, and we believe we’ve made progress. In this case we have substantive disagreements on the facts, and we believe the record shows the employee was treated fairly.”