SHANGHAI (Reuters) - American students aregetting cold feet about studying Chinese in China, with many study abroadprograms in the country seeing a substantial drop in enrolment over the lastfew years.
At the University of California EducationAbroad Program (UCEAP), student enrolment in programs in China isexpected to be less than half the level it was only four years ago.Washington-based CET, another leading study abroad group, says interest in Chinahas been falling since 2013.
The apparent waning of interest worriessome Chinawatchers. Given the importance of the U.S.-China relationship, having a groupof Americans across different industries who speak Chinese and understand theculture is "a matter of national interest", says Robert Daly,director of the Kissinger Institute on Chinaand the United States at theWilson Centerin Washington.
这种明显的兴趣下降让一些中国通们感到担忧。介于中美关系的重要性,如果有一支来自各个领域的美国人知道讲中文并且了解中国文化,这是非常重要的,"事关国家利益",威尔逊国际学者中心的基辛格中美研究院的主任Robert Daly说。
"We can't respond coherently,effectively and fully to Chinaunless we understand Chinaon its own terms," he said.
The Instituteof International Education says thenumber of U.S. studentsstudying in Chinafell 3.2 percent in 2012-13 to 14,413, even as overall study abroad numbersrose modestly.
American students' apparent loss ofinterest contrasts with Chinese students' clamor for a U.S. education.The number of Chinese studying in the United States jumped 16.5 percentin 2013-14 to more than 274,000.
For U.S. students, China's notorious pollution is a concern. Job opportunities are another. As multinationals in China hire mostly local Chinese, a growing percentage of whom have studied abroad, they have less need for foreigners who speak Chinese.