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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》尾章7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
One night, he said, a spaceship appeared in the sky of a planet which had never seen one before. The planet was Dalforsas, the ship was this one. It appeared as a brilliant new star moving silently across the heavens.某一天夜里,他讲到,一艘太空飞船出现在一颗从未见过飞船的星球上。那颗星就是达尔伏拉斯,那飞船就是那艘飞船。它在天上缓缓移动,仿佛一颗灿烂的新星一般。
Primitive tribesmen who were sitting huddled on the Cold Hillsides looked up from their steaming night-drinks and pointed with trembling fingers, swearing that they had seen a sign, a sign from their gods which meant that they must now arise at last and go and slay the evil Princes of the Plains.聚坐在寒坡上的原始部落人民,抬起了头。他们透过夜宵那蒸腾的热气,看见这颗星,用颤抖的手指着它,他们肯定这是一个征兆,一个来自神的征兆,意味着他们必须立刻起兵,去攻打那邪恶的平原王子们。
In the high turrets of their palaces, the Princes of the Plains looked up and saw the shining star, and received it unmistakably as a sign from their gods that they must now go and set about the accursed Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides.平原王子们,从他们宫殿的塔楼上,抬头看见那闪烁的新星,他们确信,这是一个神的征兆,意味着他们必须立即出发,去解决那些可恶的寒坡部落民。
And between them, the Dwellers in the Forest looked up into the sky and saw the sigh of the new star, and saw it with fear and apprehension, for though they had never seen anything like it before, they too knew precisely what it foreshadowed, and they bowed their heads in despair.而在两者之间,森林中的居民们抬头望天,看见新星的征兆,便感到了恐怖的又一次降临。他们同样也准确理解了这一征兆,知道它预示着什么,所以,他们绝望地低下了头。
They knew that when the rains came, it was a sign.他们知道,如果下雨了,那就是个征兆。
When the rains departed, it was a sign.如果雨停了,那也是个征兆。
When the winds rose, it was a sign.如果起风了,那是个征兆。
When the winds fell, it was a sign.如果风停了,那是个征兆。
When in the land there was born at midnight of a full moon a goat with three heads, that was a sign.如果月圆之夜,一只三个头的小山羊出生了,那是个征兆。
When in the land there was born at some time in the afternoon a perfectly normal cat or pig with no birth complications at all, or even just a child with a retrousse nose, that too would often be taken as a sign.如果下午的什么时候,一只完全正常的猫或鸡出生了,什么奇观也没有,甚至只是一个鼻子翘翘的小孩出生了,那也很可能是个征兆。
So there was no doubt at all that a new star in the sky was a sign of a particularly spectacular order.所以,不用说,如果天空中出现一颗新星,那绝对是重大事变的征兆。
And each new sign signified the same thing that the Princes of the Plains and the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides were about to beat the hell out of each other again.并且,所有的新征兆都预示着同一件事:平原王子们和寒坡部落民,又即将大战一场。
This in itself wouldn’t be so bad, except that the Princes of the Plains and the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides always elected to beat the hell out of each other in the Forest, and it was always the Dwellers in the Forest who came off worst in these exchanges, though as far as they could see it never had anything to do with them.这件事本身不算特别惨,只是每次平原王子和寒坡部落大战的时候,都把战场选定在森林里。一仗下来,总是森林居民伤亡最惨重。尽管他们觉得自己与此事完全无关。
And sometimes, after some of the worst of these outrages, the Dwellers in the Forest would send a messenger to either the leader of the Princes of the Plains or the leader of the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides and demand to know the reason for this intolerable behaviour.有时候,伤亡实在太过严重,森林居民就会派个使者,让他到平原王子或者寒坡部落的首领那去,问清楚这种不可容忍的行为的理由。
And the leader, whichever one it was, would take the messenger aside and explain the Reason to him, slowly and carefully and with great attention to the considerable detail involved.而那位首领,不管是哪边的,都会把使者叫到身边,跟他讲理由。慢慢地、详细地讲理由,一些重要细节讲得尤其详尽。
And the terrible thing was, it was a very good one. It was very clear, very rational, and tough. The messenger would hang his head and feel sad and foolish that he had not realized what a tough and complex place the real world was, and what difficulties and paradoxes had to be embraced if one was to live in it.不幸的是,那理由非常好,非常清晰,非常全面,非常有力。那位使者听得低下了头,心中充满了自责和悲哀。自己竟然如此愚蠢,不曾意识到现实世界是多么复杂,一个人活着,要面对那么多的荆棘和坎坷。
Now do you understand? the leader would say.“现在你明白了吧?”首领说。
The messenger would nod dumbly.使者无话可说,点点头。
And you see these battles have to take place?“明白这战争是必然的了?”
Another dumb nod.仍是无话可说,点点头。
One night, he said, a spaceship appeared in the sky of a planet which had never seen one before. The planet was Dalforsas, the ship was this one. It appeared as a brilliant new star moving silently across the heavens.
Primitive tribesmen who were sitting huddled on the Cold Hillsides looked up from their steaming night-drinks and pointed with trembling fingers, swearing that they had seen a sign, a sign from their gods which meant that they must now arise at last and go and slay the evil Princes of the Plains.
In the high turrets of their palaces, the Princes of the Plains looked up and saw the shining star, and received it unmistakably as a sign from their gods that they must now go and set about the accursed Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides.
And between them, the Dwellers in the Forest looked up into the sky and saw the sigh of the new star, and saw it with fear and apprehension, for though they had never seen anything like it before, they too knew precisely what it foreshadowed, and they bowed their heads in despair.
They knew that when the rains came, it was a sign.
When the rains departed, it was a sign.
When the winds rose, it was a sign.
When the winds fell, it was a sign.
When in the land there was born at midnight of a full moon a goat with three heads, that was a sign.
When in the land there was born at some time in the afternoon a perfectly normal cat or pig with no birth complications at all, or even just a child with a retrousse nose, that too would often be taken as a sign.
So there was no doubt at all that a new star in the sky was a sign of a particularly spectacular order.
And each new sign signified the same thing that the Princes of the Plains and the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides were about to beat the hell out of each other again.
This in itself wouldnt be so bad, except that the Princes of the Plains and the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides always elected to beat the hell out of each other in the Forest, and it was always the Dwellers in the Forest who came off worst in these exchanges, though as far as they could see it never had anything to do with them.
And sometimes, after some of the worst of these outrages, the Dwellers in the Forest would send a messenger to either the leader of the Princes of the Plains or the leader of the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides and demand to know the reason for this intolerable behaviour.
And the leader, whichever one it was, would take the messenger aside and explain the Reason to him, slowly and carefully and with great attention to the considerable detail involved.
And the terrible thing was, it was a very good one. It was very clear, very rational, and tough. The messenger would hang his head and feel sad and foolish that he had not realized what a tough and complex place the real world was, and what difficulties and paradoxes had to be embraced if one was to live in it.
Now do you understand? the leader would say.
The messenger would nod dumbly.
And you see these battles have to take place?
Another dumb nod.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

rational ['ræʃənəl]


adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的
n. 有理

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石





