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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》尾章3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Then, as their eyes became accustomed to the darkness, they spotted a dull red glow in a corner, and behind the glow a live shadow. They swung a torch round on to it.随后,当他们的眼睛终于适应黑暗,才看见角落里有暗暗的一点红光。红光背后,有个人影。他们将火把举近了一点看。
Prak was lounging on a bench, smoking a listless cigarette.普啦刻大大咧咧地坐在长椅上,抽着一支半燃半熄的烟。
Hi, he said, with a little half-wave. His voice echoed through the chamber. He was a little man with scraggy hair. He sat with his shoulders hunched forward and his head and knees kept jiggling. He took a drag of his cigarette.“嗨。”他说着,懒懒地抬了下手。他的声音在大厅中回响。他是个小个子,头发稀疏。他驼着背坐在那儿,把脑袋和膝盖抖着玩。
They stared at him.众人盯着他。
What’s going on? said Trillian.“怎么了?”崔莉安问。
Nothing, said the man and jiggled his shoulders.“没什么。”那人说着,抖了抖肩膀。
Arthur shone his torch full on Prak’s face.阿瑟把火把向前伸,照亮了普啦刻的脸。
We thought, he said, that you were meant to be telling the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.“我们听说……”他说,“你在这儿讲真话。”
Oh, that, said Prak. Yeah. I was. I finished. There’s not nearly as much of it as people imagine. Some of it’s pretty funny, though.“噢,那个啊。”普啦刻说,“对啊,我是说过。已经说完了。大部分都是无法想象的东西。不过,有的也很好玩。”
He suddenly exploded in about three seconds of manical laughter and stopped again. he sat there, jiggling his head and knees. He dragged on his cigarette with a strange half-smile.他突然爆笑了大约三秒钟,像疯了似的,然后停了下来。他坐在那儿,抖着脑袋,抖着膝盖。他似笑非笑,又吸了一口烟。
Ford and Zaphod came forward out of the shadows.福特和赞福德从暗处凑上前来。
Tell us about it, said Ford.“跟我们说说吧。”福特说。
Oh, I can’t remember any of it now, said Prak. I thought of writing some of it down, but first I couldn’t find a pencil, and then I thought, why bother?“噢,我已经不记得了。”普啦刻说,“我想过用笔记下来,但是,首先,我没铅笔。其次我又想,何必呢?”
There was a long silence, during which they thought they could feel the Universe age a little. Prak stared into the torchlight.长久的沉默。他们几乎能感觉到宇宙变老了一点点。普啦刻凝视着火把的光辉。
None of it? said Arthur at last. You can remember none of it?“一点都不行?”阿瑟开口问道,“你一点都不记得了?”
No. Except most of the good bits were about frogs, I remember that.Suddenly he was hooting with laughter again and stamping his feet on the ground.You would not believe some of the things about frogs, he gasped.“不记得。对了,有些关于青蛙的还不错。我记得那个。”突然,他又狂笑起来,在地上跺着脚,“你们绝对不会相信那些关于青蛙的事。”他笑得直喘气。
Come on let’s go and find ourselves a frog. Boy, will I ever see them in a new light! He leapt to his feet and did a tiny little dance. Then he stopped and took a long drag at his cigarette.“走,咱们找青蛙去。伙计,我得用新的眼光去看它们喽!”他一跃而起,跳了几步舞,停下来,狠狠地吸了口烟。
Let’s find a frog I can laugh at, he said simply. Anyway, who are you guys?“走找青蛙去,去笑它。”他说,“对了,你们是谁啊?”
We came to find you, said Trillian, deliberately not keeping the disappointment out of her voice. My name is Trillian.“我们是来找你的。”崔莉安毫不掩饰她声音中的失望情绪,“我叫崔莉安。”
Prak jiggled his head.普啦刻抖着脑袋。

Then, as their eyes became accustomed to the darkness, they spotted a dull red glow in a corner, and behind the glow a live shadow. They swung a torch round on to it.
Prak was lounging on a bench, smoking a listless cigarette.
Hi, he said, with a little half-wave. His voice echoed through the chamber. He was a little man with scraggy hair. He sat with his shoulders hunched forward and his head and knees kept jiggling. He took a drag of his cigarette.
They stared at him.
Whats going on? said Trillian.
Nothing, said the man and jiggled his shoulders.
Arthur shone his torch full on Praks face.
We thought, he said, that you were meant to be telling the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.
Oh, that, said Prak. Yeah. I was. I finished. Theres not nearly as much of it as people imagine. Some of its pretty funny, though.
He suddenly exploded in about three seconds of manical laughter and stopped again. he sat there, jiggling his head and knees. He dragged on his cigarette with a strange half-smile.
Ford and Zaphod came forward out of the shadows.
Tell us about it, said Ford.
Oh, I cant remember any of it now, said Prak. I thought of writing some of it down, but first I couldnt find a pencil, and then I thought, why bother?
There was a long silence, during which they thought they could feel the Universe age a little. Prak stared into the torchlight.
None of it? said Arthur at last. You can remember none of it?
No. Except most of the good bits were about frogs, I remember that.Suddenly he was hooting with laughter again and stamping his feet on the ground.You would not believe some of the things about frogs, he gasped.
Come on lets go and find ourselves a frog. Boy, will I ever see them in a new light! He leapt to his feet and did a tiny little dance. Then he stopped and took a long drag at his cigarette.
Lets find a frog I can laugh at, he said simply. Anyway, who are you guys?
We came to find you, said Trillian, deliberately not keeping the disappointment out of her voice. My name is Trillian.
Prak jiggled his head.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

listless ['listlis]


adj. 无精打采的

accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]


adj. 习惯了的,通常的

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默





