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Global markets have been operating with the safety net of the Federal Reserve’s zero-rates guidance for much of the current decade. On Tuesday, Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen gave the strongest signal to date that the end of that era is approaching as she paves the way for higher interest rates.

在本十年的大部分时间里,全球市场在美联储(Federal Reserve)零利率指引的安全网保护下运行。周二,美联储主席珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)发出迄今最强烈的信号:这个时代即将终结,她正在为上调利率铺平道路。
In testimony to a Senate committee, Ms Yellen indicated that if the economy carried on strengthening, the US central bank would want to drop its pledge to be “patient” with interest rates and start considering rises on a “meeting-by-meeting basis”. She said this would mean that a move in the target rate could be considered at “any” of the Federal Open Market Committee’s regular policy gatherings.

The impending change in guidance — which analysts think could come as soon as the Fed’s next meeting in March — suggests the central bank wants to give itself maximum flexibility to set monetary policy, rather than finding itself bound by date-dependent pledges.

This would mark a clean break from the Fed’s current practice, under which it has been reassuring markets that it will be “patient” before lifting rates, meaning it will wait at least two further meetings before acting.
That language was a twist on previous wording assuring markets that rates would stay low for a “considerable” period — which itself marked an evolution from earlier forms of low-rates guidance tied to the unemployment rate, and to a fixed time period.
The shift will inject greater uncertainty into markets that have been pumped up by the more than six years of ultra-low interest rates. It should also avoid a re-run of the rate rise cycle of the mid-2000s, when the Fed felt locked into making quarter-point increases in every meeting.
George Magnus, an author and former chief economist at UBS, said greater unpredictability was welcome. “The Fed doesn’t want to cosset financial markets in the way it has done until now,” he said. “This is reverting back to a position where they want to tell the market it should be pretty much on standby for a change in monetary policy as and when the Fed thinks it is merited.”
作家、瑞银(UBS)前首席经济学家乔治•马格纳斯(George Magnus)表示,更大的不可预测性是可喜的。“美联储不希望像之前那样宠着金融市场,”他表示。“此举标志着美联储回到原来的立场,希望告诉市场:市场基本上应当随时准备好迎接货币政策的变化——只要美联储认为改变政策是可取的。”
Dov Zigler, an economist at Scotiabank in New York, said the FOMC seemed ready to remove the “final vestiges” of calendar-based guidance it briefly used earlier this decade, moving instead towards “data dependency” in policy making. Economists at Barclays said: “The end of forward guidance is in sight.”
加拿大丰业银行(Scotiabank)在纽约的经济学家多夫•齐格勒(Dov Zigler)表示,联邦公开市场委员会似乎已准备好消除其在本十年早些时候短暂用过的基于日历的指引的“最后痕迹”,在政策制定中转向“数据依赖”。巴克莱(Barclays)的经济学家们表示:“前瞻性指引的终结已经可以看到。”
Ms Yellen told the Senate committee that the US economy was in a genuinely stronger place than it was even a year ago. The labour market had improved along “many dimensions” — even if there was still room for further progress — and growth should stay strong enough to continue pulling down unemployment.
However, in nuanced testimony, Ms Yellen also assured senators that the Fed would not pull the trigger prematurely and stifle the recovery. Indeed, one of her goals was to ensure that if the Fed removed the “patience” language in March, it would not prompt markets to believe a rate rise two meetings later was a fait accompli.
Ms Yellen also stressed the risks of being too slow in acting. Policy was “highly accommodative” and the central bank needed to be forward-looking. If it waited too long, the labour market and inflation could pick up sufficiently for the Fed to overshoot its 2 per cent inflation target. Significantly, there could be “financial stability risks” in leaving rates low for too long.
The “patience” language remains in place for now. But when it is dropped, Ms Yellen’s testimony hinted at the test for judging when “lift-off” in rates should happen.
The FOMC would be ready to raise rates when it was “reasonably confident” that inflation was moving back towards its 2 per cent target over the medium term — provided the labour market was set to continue improving, she said. While the Fed has left itself plenty of room to back away from rises if the economy falters, reasonable confidence is not an excessively high bar for rate increases.
That said, the Fed is sticking with previous guidance that rates will for some time remain below levels that are normal in the longer run, even once employment and inflation return to levels consistent with its mandate.
Close watchers of the Fed who obsess about whether the central bank will raise rates in June or September were not given any definitive indications. But that made sense. Ms Yellen’s goal was to free the central bank’s hand to act when necessary, not to anchor market expectations on a particular date.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
considerable [kən'sidərəbl]


adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

definitive [di'finitiv]


adj. 决定性的,权威性的,确定的,限定的 n. 限定

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

reassuring [,ri:ə'ʃuəriŋ]


adj. 可靠的;安心的;鼓气的 v. 使放心(reas

uncertainty [ʌn'sə:tnti]


n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 (学术)不可信度; 偏差

flexibility [.fleksə'biliti]


n. 灵活性,柔韧性,适应性

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的





